I'm not sure if you were looking for a small book report, but here it goes, anyway:
I am currently reading The Orthodox Church: An Introduction to Eastern Christianity, by Timothy Ware (now known as His Excellency the Most Reverend Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia). Since converting to Orthodox Christianity this has been at least a once- or twice-a-year read, as it is fascinating yet dense with information, and so with each pass I'm retaining stuff I thought I had forgotten as well as picking up on things I had just plain missed in previous readings.
I would recommend this book not only for a seeker or recent convert, but also for a Protestant or Catholic who simply has an academic interest in the subject matter. As for me, I found myself acquiring a whole other understanding of my Protestant background, and saw my faith tradition of origin in a whole new light. (One of the revelations, and one that was contrary to my longheld understanding, was that Catholicism is much closer to Protestantism than it is to Orthodoxy, and that even through Protestantism started as an anti-Catholic reactionary movement it is indeed a child of Rome, two sides of the same coin, so to speak. Orthodoxy, as Ware notes, evolved on its own path after its separation from the West in 1054, and as such was almost - but not quite - immune to many of the historical shifts that shaped Western Christianity so deeply, such the dark ages and the Age of Enlightenment.)
In addition to Christians (of any stripe), this book is also an engrossing read for students of religion as well as European and Middle Eastern history. For this reason, the book is also a great example of the kind of stuff I like to read on any given day.