
I forgot to greet you before ;) So: Good morning my friend 🙂

Yes, the railway pays quite good. I havent asked him if it's boring to spend the day waiting for trains passing by ;) lol
My sisters husbands work and they have enough money to live quite good - they all have houses, so they should make good money.
I am the only one who lives in an appartment, but I am also the only one who will be a millionaire if the Steem rises to the moon in 2020 🙂


Howdy again sir johannpiber! I am glad that your brother and sisters families are making good money. Someday soon you will own your own home too. Everyone over here goes WAY into debt to buy a home, is that what they do over there?

Many young people are in debt, because it is so easy to get money from the bank.
Nobody wants to wait and save the money, and I have to admit, that I am no exception, but the little money I owe my bank is nothing I couldn't handle: I just would have to sell all my !BEER and my debt would be gone ;) lol

Oh I see. That is unfortunate. I was hoping that it was different over there but it seems like the bankers have gotten everyone addicted to easy money loans. And then you are a slave to them.

I think it is the same all over the world - the banks have the money and they know they will get it back anyhow, that they will get much, much more back ... and the children pay until they are old.


I don't like that system. The system needs to be changed. What do you suggest?

Free !BEER for everyone 👍🙂

BEER Hey @janton, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

BEER Hey @janton, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

Howdy again beerlover, it's good to see you are operating smoothly today!

BEER Hey @janton, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!