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RE: Fly on Flower / Fliege auf Blume :)

in #photography6 years ago

howdy again sir johanpiber! yes sir I knew you would, thank you. There are advantages to living in higher and colder climates that's for sure. One of them is fabulous views and photography opportunities! Plus you can escape to the beauty and solitude of the forest at any time and that would be wonderful too.

I want to add too, that I don't like killing animals either and I don't hunt anymore. Even though I hate the snakes being around, I don't like killing them. That does not make sense to some people but I know you understand. lol.

How is the visit, are you still there?


Good evening @janton, yes, I understand, and yes, I'm still there. This is why my today's post was only a smartphone photo 😁

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Howdy sir johann! oh you did a post but only with the smartphone photo, I'll go and give you my professional opinion! lol.

Yes, @janton, and you may believe me that I feel bad about it, but I didn't have another chance. I am so sorry ... maybe I shouldn't have posted anything, but not a smartphone photo :(

Maybe I should think twice next time, or just ask you. But what if I wanted to post a photo and needed your opinion, and you are out shooting poor, innocent little rattlesnakes? lol

Howdy today sir johannpiber! oh, are you talking about the Easter fire photo? I loved it! That was a great idea and very different and unusual, no that was brilliant sir johann. That was a great job and that kind of photo doesn't need any editing I don't think anyway.

Haha, yes sir, I have been offline more since the warm weather hit and all the work outside to do. Then I stay up late at night trying to catch up. Rattlesnakes are in this part of the country but that's one type that we haven't seen here and hope not to! But at least they give you a warning that they are there.

Oh, OK, thank you :)))

I thought you have Rattlesnakes? What kind of snakes do you have then?

howdy sir johannpiber! yes sir we have rattlesnakes in our area but I haven't seen one on our property.
I've seen copperheads and cottonmouths. The cottonmouths are also called Water Moccasins. then many other types that aren't venomous like water snakes, rat snakes and such.
I hate them all though, I'm not prejudiced in that way. lol.

One likes snakes, the other one hates them. I like to watch snakes at the zoo, but I am scared and fascinated at the same time when I accidently see one in nature.Good morning @janton :)