
I think, many of us are the same. I would also never post an image of myself, and I don't think, that there's one on the internet already ;)

Howdy today sir johannpiber! I've been behind all day today. I was catching up when a storm came through and our electric was off for 1.5 hours so that really messed me up. But we're back for now anyway.
I see so many people showing themselves on here that I thought we were the odd ones!

it is Sunday, a beautiful day like everyday ... it's gray and it is raining outside ;)Good morning, @janton,

Fortunately, it is very seldom, that we don't have electrics - I wouldn't even know, where my wife has put the candles ;)

No, we are not the odd ones, we are the ones, who think before doing something!

Howdy today sir johannpiber! Another rainy day there. rats. same here. cold too but that feels kind of good.

I agree, we are good thinkers, we think about consequences don't we?

Good morning again, @janton. Rain here, rain there, I am already used to it, and am happy to see the sun for short moments sometimes 😊

Most of the time I do think, what could happen, before I do something, say something, write or post something. I think, we all should think more of the consequences of our doing.

Howdy again sir johannpiber! well sir, pretty soon it will be a nice, hot, dry, summer.
I agree about the planning before acting. I just wish I could go back in time and change
most of the choices I made! lol.

... and when this hot and dry summer is here, then we will hope for some rain ;)
I don't think, that I would change a lot, if I could go back in time.Good evening again, @janton ;)