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RE: Swan Portraits / Schwanenporträts

in #photography6 years ago

Howdy again sir johannpiber! Those are wonderful shots, the swann is a beautiful bird. And the ones you have over there are tame? Well, if you don't scare them out of the water when they see you coming they must have nerves of steel!


Sometimes up to 20 of them follow me on my walk, come really close and watch me watch them :)Yes, @janton, swans are beautiful, majestic and so very photogenic. These swans are wild and not shy. They know me and seem to like it when I photograph them.

no way! The swanns like you and follow you around and like having their pictures taken by you so much that they pose for you???
That's some kind of a gift sir johannpiber!

Now I am waiting for their youngsters to appear. I don't know, where they have their nests, but I am sure, soon there will be a lot of young fluffy swans :)Yes, @janton, once a group of them came across the reservoir to my side and followed me for about half an hour until I was on the place where I always sit down for a while. Then they have been around for quite a while, came close... it was really nice.

oh man, those little swan pictures are going to be impossibly cute! lol. They're probably following you around because you look like someone who will feed them.

I hope they will bring their youngsters where I can see them, but I don't think I would feed them. In Winter I do, but now they have to search for their own food :)

Howdy again sir johannpiber! I understand. Maybe that's why they're so friendly, because people feed them. Or is it your magnetic personality just attracts them?

It is me, of course! How could you think it would be the food from other people? LOL
There are 4 paths along the reservoir: 2 go to the west and 2 go to the east. In the middle is the bridge. The only path, where usually nobody walks, is the one, where I usually walk, but I honestly don't know why 😇 Maybe this is why the swans recognize me as a nice guy 😎

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