Howdy sir johannpiber! Man, that is one incredible tree and photo, that background is stunning! Either half the tree fell off or the poor thing was affected by the winds in one direction.
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Howdy sir johannpiber! Man, that is one incredible tree and photo, that background is stunning! Either half the tree fell off or the poor thing was affected by the winds in one direction.
I think, somebody cut a branch for some reason, or it fell of, as you said.
Thank you, that you like this photo without any complaints, @janton 😉
Well the only complaint I have is that it is an uneven photo subject now and that is a problem. I like balance in nature, that one doesn't look right so next time please try to find a balanced tree. lol.
So, you would really like this tree more? 😉 lol
There you go! Now THAT is balance. I love that one! lol.
I knew it, but it will be hard to find such a symmetric tree for you. I think, next time I will just post separate versions extra for you, my friend 😁
... or just drink a !BEER and you might like an asymmetrically tree too ;)
Posted using Partiko Android
lol! I like your second option!
A !BEER means less work for me too ;) lol
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