What do a highway underpass, a fat tree, and a walnut have in common?
If you're in San Jose, California, they might all have hearts to share.
During a recent visit to San Jose, I found hearts in unlikely places.
I found this first heart in the shell of a walnut at the base of a walnut tree at the Historic Orchard in San Jose. I can only presume that a lovesick squirrel carved the heart in the shell as a beacon to a lost love.
The second heart was spray painted onto the trunk of this girthy tree along the Guadalupe River Trail. The tree was alone in a wide field, and I can only hope that the heart on this tree saved it from being cleared.
It reminds me of the tree from the movie Fern Gully.

Finally, while walking through a highway underpass, essentially lined with the homeless of San Jose, I saw this heart as a reminder to everyone out there that despite our circumstances, we all need love and compassion.
I hope that you find some unexpected hearts wherever you are in the world!

All content and images by @jaymorebeet, taken in September, 2017 with a Canon 7D Mark II.
really good pictures, my favorite is the one of the walnut shell upclose
Thanks @cobmaximus. I like that one too - i couldn't believe it when i looked down and saw it at my feet. So cool!
Nice post and reminder to sit back and reflect on what's important in life. Thank you for that reminder!
Love that walnut!
I'm so glad @offoodandart. I definitely transplanted that walnut shell from california to maryland and 'planted' it in my garden :)
Who knew the squirrels of San Jose held such talents? Go figure. And that is one chunky tree, never seen one quite that shape. Glad they left it where it sits. I'm sure the heart did really help.
Very nice post, with a message we all can be reminded of now and then. It's easy to become a bit jaded as we hustle about daily life and things and people seem to be in the way sometimes. Thanks for the reminder to slow down, and remember to care.
They must go through extensive training to fine tune their craft. Thanks @ddschteinn :)
Squirrel nut-training 101. I missed this, I think I have WAY too many catfact comment streams going on in my feed, I seem to miss comments. "Stop messin with the catbot, dd". Naah, it's too much fun.
The heart in the walnut looks so beautiful! It's a clear message for us, we can renew our emotions with love ❤️, to can live happily.
I love when nature sends us messages - and we just need to stop and see them ;)
That walnut is so cool! I kind of imagine Scrat the squirrel thing from the Ice Age movies making it to give to a female. lol. I've never heard of a girthy tree before but they look really neat. Such a fat trunk.