Go to the people and places that set a spark in your soul. - Unknown
I find it quite simply amazing how magnificently coordinated life is. It is like a well conducted orchestra… Every single moment, down to the second is complete precision and whether we want to acknowledge it or not, we are always in precisely the right place, at precisely the right time – for what we each need in our lives right at that present moment. There is a natural and unseen gentle “push” in the direction that you need to go, connecting you with people that are going to feed your soul.
Sometimes, it does the opposite, and those experiences too – are equally as precise as they are our teachers… but they are not the ones I am referring to today. Today, I am referring to the paths we cross, the individuals we encounter and relationships we form that we simply know, from our heart and gut – will be an everlasting and enriching bond that will forever be a blessing in our lives. The times we encounter these connections in our lives may be few and far between, but the magnitude of the impact is priceless. and we MUST cherish them
Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Everything In its right place... I'm reminded of this fantastic human
Posted using Partiko Android
That dude is classic!!! Saw him for the first time a couple of years back and in his own unique and wild way, he is indeed making the world a lighter and brighter place, one performance at a time. There is nothing but truth and accuracy in everything he says and stands for...he is comfortable in his own skin and embraces life, which is more than can be said for many others.
I was reflecting on this just yesterday ☺👍👍💕 Love you @jaynie
Posted using Partiko Android
So much shared truth in your writing.
I've always felt that, but finding them is something else, mostly in airports, on ships or in far away countries to meet in some hotel to share a coffee and a few moments
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your thoughtfulness with the world :)
Glad they resonated with you and thanks for stopping by x
So true been in that right place at that right moment can certainly feed your soul in many ways :)
Have a great week ahead and may your soul be filled with happiness :)
True story! Thank you - and rightbackatya xoxoxo :)
Your most welcome :)
such catchy title and that pretty flower
hehe yip! we are blessed with MUCH natural beauty here in Cape Town :) There is always something to capture.
Agree. We will meet all who we need, and at that moment - at which we need.
Precisely. Like a well oiled cog haha
Love it did you know there is an app for flower info great to use while blogging it’s called -picture this -
Ooooh that's awesome. Will check it out. Xxxxxxxxx
Yep, sometimes I am eeriely astounded by how things feel as if they are meant to be, and how trusting the flow of things can really lead to exactly where we need to be :)
A lovely photo, @jaynie <3 The beauty of the flower and the beauty of your words match so wonderfully, truly, like an orchestra for my soul :D
It is wonderful when things flow in harmony like that... :)
And thank you for the lovely compliment xxx MWAH!