I've always heard that:
"A house is a hole in the ground that you pour money into, and a boat is a hole in the water that you pour money into"
I have neither at this point. Good stuff JJ.
I live in landlocked Atlanta, though there are a couple of sizeable manmade lakes nearby.
There has even been a problem with abandoned house boats in Lake Lanier
And the County is having to pay for their removal and demolition.
Go figure.
Well done @tattoodjay
Yes I have heard the same and that boats are worse for it, so I will probably never have one
You can always dream/fantasize, or even rent/lease one. I've CONSIDERED learning how to sail, getting a sailboat and travel around that way for a while.
Being vulnerable to pirates/anyone could sneak up on you type things make me very reluctant about that.
Well my wife had a bad experience on a boat when she was young so no way would she get on a boat so thats no an option for me
Sorry to hear that, but it's probably for the best
yeah I think so I tried to talk her into trying a one day cruise but no way would she do it