This evening I was capturing some photos when I came across a couple of puddles reflecting the beautiful trees and the greenery surrounding the area.
I've always found it quite beautiful and fascinating how something so clear and technically without visibility can portray another image on itself. The top photo is of the trees in focus, while the second photo is off the rocks surrounding the puddle in focus.
The next two shots are of a similar opposition.
The final shot is of a separate photo with another tree in focus. I found this shot quite beautiful, for even though everything surrounding the puddle is dirty, grey and out of focus, through the reflection of the tree, via the puddle, the photo becomes quite beautiful.
Water: it gives us life and gives us art.
Awesome photography, thanks for your sharing to us, have a nice day with beautiful spring season
Amazing photography my friends
Desde otra perspectiva, podría hacer alusión a nuestro día a día, muchas veces las situaciones nos abrazan porque solo le damos importancia a un solo enfoque del problema, pero, asi como lo muestras en esas fotos podria ser solo cuestión de tomar otra actitud, otro punto de vista, otro enfoque. Muchas veces es todo lo que se necesita para avanzar y crecer como persona.
Geniales imagenes.
That last shot is amazing. Great pics
The last photo is the best. So chillingly beautiful!