Original Art Photography Series by @Jharyadi #010 'Original Indonesian Landscape 10'

in #photography7 years ago

How are you steemian lovers of photography lovers? Happy to meet again with my posting today.

Before I display the photos from my mobile camera, I will tell you a bit about the background of the shoot.

One day, precisely on February 10, 2018, I traveled with a motorcycle with my wife to the city of Garut. The trip was made in order to visit my brother's family home.

You need to know if I live in Bandung. The location of garut city is not so far. Distance between Bandung and Garut about 64.2 km.

Garut regency is included in the South West Province Province located at coordinates 6º56'49 '' - 7º45'00 '' South Latitude and 107º25'8''- 108º7'30 '' East Longitude. This area is in the highlands, so it is not strange that on the left and right of the road looks beautiful mountainous expanse.

My wife and I leave early in the morning at a moderate pace. However, because through the crowded city, the vehicle I was driving was hit by traffic jams. Generally jammed because there is a traditional market that is on the edge of the highway. In addition there is another factor that is the occurrence of traffic accidents. There is a truck that overturned in the middle of the road, so the traffic jam is jammed.

When we had through the traffic jam, the motor that I brought drove toward Garut. We had time to rest in a mosque to pray Dhuha while resting for a while. We continued our journey back relaxed.

On the way my stomach began to feel hungry. I invite my wife to stop by the restaurant Padang. We both ordered food and sat down on the other end of the open view. Apparently this restaurant is located on the edge of the river.

I see the scenery coming out very beautiful. There are still many trees and weeds growing there. My instinct as an amateur writer and photographer arose to perpetuate it.

10 Pemandangan Pulau di Garut.jpg

This scene reminds me like the Orinoco River, in Ciudad Bolivar on the edge of a Venezuelan country forest. The island is shaped day and surrounded by deep brown river.

Stretching in the middle of the Orinoco River, in Ciudad Bolivar, hidden in the peace and tranquility of Venezuela's tropical forests, you can see the most beautiful and breathtaking heart-shaped island.

Although the scenery is not as beautiful in Venezuela, but there are similarities. If the country is deep river, precisely this river in Garut looks shallow. In fact, we can walk across it.

Just look at the flow of water that is not so heavy and still visible soil and sand around the river. Also looks a pile of plastic rubbish mixed with rocks at the edge of the river which certainly slightly reduce the beauty of the scene.

If you notice, on the island there is a lush bamboo tree. In addition tiu there are also trees dozens of bananas and corn gardens. It looks like this small island is used by some residents for agricultural land. Evidently there is a cloud of smoke that is visible amid the lush trees in the middle of the island.

Looked at a distance there are homes and offices. Indeed the location is close to downtown Garut. Unfortunately when this photo was taken with my mobile camera, the weather was overcast. Just look at the cloudy sky and the atmosphere is not so bright.

It was not long ago, then it rained. Luckily I've captured the scene before, so I have the writing material for me to tell you.

Hopefully my post is no benefit. If you are interested, please follow my account @ jharyadi and give upvote sincerely.

©2018 Jumari Haryadi All rights reserved.

All the contents of the text and images that I post above is the result of my original work. I advise all steemians to always give priority to honesty by posting the results of their own ideas or thoughts and not the duplicate of others' work. Produce the original work itself is better than imitating the work of others. You must have confidence and try to be yourself. That's a good way to build a positive image on steemit.com.

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Suka sekali sama bagian akhirya.
Merefresh kembali ingatan bahwasanya hasil karya sendiri lebih jauh berharga dr mahakarya manapun, satu hal terkadang yang menjadi kendala seseorang susah untuk berkembang yaitu tidak ada kemauan untuk menghasilkan sesuatu dengan jerih payah sendiri dan hanya terfokus pada hasil yang instan sehingga mengambil semua atau sebagian dari karya orang adalah pilihan yang tepat.

Mantab-mantab terus berkarya bang @jharyadi :)

Sebenarnya semua penulis itu mampu menghasilkan sebuah karya orisinal asal ada kemauan untuk memulainya. Namun, seperti yang Mas @irsanse katakan, banyak orang yang ingin meraih sesuatu serba cepat. Harusnya Jangan seperti itu. Jangan melakukan jalan pintas dengan melakukan plagiat. Cepat boleh saja, tetapi prosesnya harus dilalui secara benar.

Steemit mengajarkan kepada kita untuk menulis secara jujur dan bermartabat. Sebuah kebanggan jika hasil karya kita dibaca banyak orang. Syukur Alhamdulillah kalau ada yang memberi upvote. Kalau Itu terjadi, pasti terjadi secara alami, tanpa rekayasa. Artinya kita tidak perlu mengemis hanya untuk mendapatkan reward. Kalau karya kita bagus, apresiasi pasti datang dengan sendirinya.

Terima kasih sudah mampir ke blog saya. Senang rasanya kalau ada yang memberikan komentar konstruktif seperti ini.

Salam pena kreatif

Saya belajar banyak dari orang-orang yang menekuni steemit, banyak diantara tulisan-tulisan mereka yang sarat akan nilai-nilai kejujuran serta keuletan yang tentunya berkaitan dengan karya orisinil.Terima kasih kembali bang @jharyadi.

Senang bisa bisa berdiskusi dengan anda :)

Salam pena kreatif dari tanoh Seuramoh Mekkah, Aceh.

Saya juga begitu, suka membaca tulisan berkualitas dari beberapa steemian. Kita bisa belajar dari siapa saja, tidak perlu dipandang berapa usianya, tetapi pandanglah kedalaman ilmunya. Belajar itu indah kalau kita Ikhlas melakukannya.

Salam juga dari bumi Siliwangi buat sahabatku di tanoh Seuramoh Mekkah, Aceh.

Suatu saat saya datang ke Aceh

Nature beauty

Thanks Mr. @faisalrajput for your comment. Nice to meet you here.

Pulau kecil bentuknya seperti hati :)

Iya Bu @cicisw, bentuknya menyerupai hati. Mungkin kalau motretnya pakai drone hasilnya lebih menarik.

Kolam susu coklat :)
Bgs bg :)

Kayaknya Mas @kakilasak suka kali sama susu ..hua..ha..ha..

Sepertinya curah hujan sedang meningkat, terlihat dari warna air yang keruh...hehehe

Memang saat ini selalu hujan. Saat saya pulang dari Garut turun hujan lebat. Pasti airnya masuk ke Sungai sambal membawa material lumpur. Wajar saja Sungai di Indonesia rata-rata berwarna Coklat, jarang yang bening seperti di Eropa.

nice post, good pictures, thanks for sharing..

Thank you Mr. @bagindooo for your attention. I'am glad for your visit to my blog.