Drakensberg Crag Lizard

in #photography7 years ago

South Africa is a fun place to quietly wonder around and see the small reptiles that look pre-historic. 

Let me introduce the Drakensberg Crag Lizard (Pseudocordylus melanotus subviridis)

They do not move around once placed on "their' spot in the heat of the day. Not too familiar with what else they do so here are some just doing what they do best, sun bathing!

Photographs taken with a Canon 500D up in the Southern Drakensberg KwaZulu-Natal South Africa hiking around the Rhino Peak area.


Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone


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awesome dragons ! all in position to spit some fire.
tweeted to twitter #FFSteemit

Thanks for you positive comments @nicnicy and actions

Yup! They are indeed lovely and shy little critters! Decided to Upvote this baby! Blessings!

They really are lovely when you do see them, you seem to see many at one time, luck of the draw @papilloncharity

Awesome lizards, I have seen lizards but not that looked like these haha thanks for sharing!

Can't miss them once you get to see them with their bright colours @redsfallin

Awesome creatures!!!

Thanks for commenting @humoalex

Here for the Superior Coin.

Nice to meet you and following @rayvenj

Guao, I love it

Thanks, little dragons are amazing @marangel