testing a prototype surfboard....
Finalist, Photojournalism award: single image
Many sharks are found at Aliwal Shoal near Durban.... South Africa....
making it the perfect place to test.....
a prototype surfboard.....
with an electromagnetic shark deterrent....
Awsome picture!
the shark and the surfer :-)
lets hope the electromagnetic shark deterrent does not malfunction while surfing!!!
by: Thomas P Peschak
for: Wildlife Photographer of the Year contest
profession + profession = better business.
human + human = good friend.
both are true but,
profession with humanity build a beautiful world.
I want to ask other people, are they agree with me or not?
Hope you agree with me.
if you are upvote or commenting me then I think you agree with me.
Whatever, hope you are fine.
After all nice post sir.Hi @joeblack1 what's up. I'm little bit curious about one thing. I read many comment every day, but nobody don't asked "hi, hello, what's up, or anything" why ? Is it wrong ? I know it's common and everybody want to write something different because we are professional but one more thing we are human also.
Thanks for agree with me sir.
@hassanabid iska zara nam check kr :D
Hmmmm. This isn't going to end well.
I can't deal with any sharks, if there is even a trace amount of shark in the water I'm not going in lol.
Right? I honestly do not feel like perishing anytime soon. Some people I know walked through fire for fun. I said hey congrats on being stupid.
Some are safe, I assure you :)
disagree i dont believe that they are safe !
malfunction means the end
To true. Not only does it mean the end it means that the camera man will get it aswell.
As a former QA engineer, that is something I would definitely not sign up to test.
Do you have a pic of the electronics?
What kind of shark was it? I have been to South Africa myself and I know that great whites are around there. By the size I would say it isn't a great white, but what is it?
Good friends :)
nope i dont think so ! :P photographer or he one of them would have been eaten i think after that click i believe
I would honestly have my heart beat out of my chest. It would be game over!
Very amazing photos @joeblack1 . . Thankyou for sharing. . Upvote 👍👍👍
An amazing picture! Thank you.
Wow!! How amazing! I loved this whole article, from the pictures to the writing! Very informative!!
Oh my god, nature is too good.Nice veiw.
the shark and the surfer :) perfect combo what a great shot that is :)
Title should read, "Sharks Avoid Surfers".
No more words.....
My dear friend....
Wel done and perfect work...
Cheers~~~~~Hey @joeblack1
Nice friend
very awsome photography 💙💙
Nice picture, Amazing mr. @joeblack1
great capture.. nice angle
Angles help more than food to a photographer ! :) do you agree ? :)
wow beautiful picture
thanks for sharing.
I totally agree. joeblack is a master of photo's That is my view on it.
Wow!Thanks for your information..Thankyou for sharing.
that's crazy man...
but interesting...
Ya I think he is foolish. I have no desire to swim with man eating fish none at all.
He's a surfer :)
he must have killed eaten after that click what you say ?
perfect click
or we can say bravest click ever !
Man what a brave photographer he must be ! he really deserves that award that he got !
ya,i agree.He deserves.
Whats this new creature??
really enjoy it!
Fun living.......
intersting photo.//./././.
Hahah what if shark gets horny and wanted to make up with the surfer :D