They Invented the Suicide vest.
“The Tamil Tigers (or LTTE) of Sri Lanka were undoubtedly one of the most organized, effective and brutal terrorist groups in the world. They invented the suicide vest and, according to the FBI, are the only terrorist group to have assassinated two world leaders” - TIME
1983-2009 | 25 years of war
During my time in Sri Lanka. We travelled up north to the tip of the country to a city known as Jaffna. This was the main city that was beaten by the war. Land mines everywhere, broken homes and buildings still standing today, showing the bullet holes
When you travel to this part of the country. It’s absolutely beautiful. You wouldn’t believe that a war took place. Well of course you would see signs of it and a stronger military presence. But just how beautiful the area was made it seem that Jaffna finally got to show it’s true colours. And now since the war is over. It truly can.
What I’m showing you today is some of the weapons, transportation, and technology used by the terrorists during the war. And it’s quite amazing.
Would you believe this is a tanker? The LTTE hijacked a tanker and stripped out the large steel walls and used it on shore. They created a sealed box and would fill it with water, which they were wanting to use to test their submarine. Which is pictured above this image.
This was an interesting bit. The Sri Lankan Army says, there are still uncleared landmines in the area beyond this point. We do not know if this is true. But a lot of people and even those who have higher intelligence say landmines have been cleared. This could possibly be the Sri Lankan Army using the landmine tactic to keep people away from what is actually there. Beyond this sign we have been told that it's because its the bodies of so many terrorists that are buried. When you leave this place and travel around the perimeter. It is highly guarded by the Sri Lankan Army. They are protecting just a small area of thick forest before hitting the beach. As you drive, you see a massive fence with barbed wire on top and a watch tower every few km. And some soldiers patrolling. It got us thinking, there's something much greater that they could be hiding... or protecting. What could it really be?
Looking at this in person was unbelievable. Standing in the very same spot the terrorist were running about in, sent a chill down my back.
Anyways, Hope you guys enjoyed this. Hoping you guys have gained a bit of knowledge of what these terrorists were like. The US said they were just as bad as al qaeda. We are thankful it was a civil war, and that they did not chase to fight outside of the country. Although I don't think they were financially equipped to do that.
With the help of chinese technology and strategic tactics, the Sri Lankan Army killed off the leader and other high ranking members of this organization and have brought peace into the country of Sri Lanka after 25 years. The terrorists were infamous for using many many women and children in their attacks.
A huge thank you to the Sri Lankan Army and the Men and Women Serving. These young soldiers guard these sites every day and allow us to visit and are willing to share information while protecting the people and their community. It's definitely a lot quieter for them but its just awesome to see the smiles on their faces. They were happy to see us when we came by. They ask for no money. No donations, they even have a little shop for you to buy drinks and snacks. In the end those little things help support them. We were more than happy to give these men something back for their incredible efforts.
It's amazing to see the rebuilding of this city and its people. To see the Tamil and Sinhalese people work together once again to rebuild is amazing. The smiles on their faces say it all. It was pretty cool to finally travel into this part of the country, and learn a little bit of its history.
What an interesting glimpse at history here, rusting away on the beach!

In this picture, are those tiny little submarines? Very interesting looking vehicles! One almost looks like it was made out of a torpedo!
Glad that peace is finally there and you could visit this and the only "shooting" done was with your camera.
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Cheers - Carl (@curie curator)
Hi Carl! Thank you so much for the reply! I really would love to see peoples thoughts on these! So i really appreciate it : )
Yeah!! those are all subs, and I know some of them look pretty intense.. Can't imagine getting into one of those to face battle..
Wow thank you so much! Yes! Please feel free to use any images and text from this post in any way youd like : )
I personally like to share photographs of my travels and especially since my recent trip to Sri Lanka. I really would love to expose the world to a little more of what Sri Lanka has to offer : ) And its history!
Thanks @curie for the love!!
Author Showcase post is up :)
This was a very intresting post. Upvote!
Thank you so much!!
@joelbastian : Thank you for this article and photographs. I agree with your point that LTTE was one of the cruelest and dangerous terrorist organization. But do you think Srilankan army has done a great job? Like LTTE betrayed tamil people , Srilankan army also did the same. The ethnic cleansing which Srilankan army attempted was horrific. And Srilankan army raped and killed tamils. Not something of to be proud of. This Channel-4 documentary is a must watch in case it will help to be a eye opener. Link