So many things are happening before our eyes and we can not see them ... but when one stops time it is the beauty of nature in all its glory appears.
The giraffe
Freeze frame and springs this beauty right there before our eyes.
Tends both arms
Each time it's a surprise, is it that I started at the right time? Does nature will betray me exceptional beauty?
... and after everything must be clean of course :-)>
A work of patience and passion, again and again, imagine new things each time.
before start and ... after
For the pleasure and power, for a moment, see the unseen ...
Other images of my work portrait on my personal website
Joel Bussard Photographe
your images are not showing. apparently, some pic host don't work well with steemit. I use to host my pics and link them in my post. Check my post:
now it's ok ! :-) thanks
you're welcome. love the 2nd shot. no colour yet so stunning.
Nice work, you are an asset for this community!
Thanks fabien !
Pretty cool joelbussard ;)
Thanks ;-)
Exactly! Thank you !
Thank chonesta ! ;-)
Thank you angevel !
I play a little thank you ... ;-)
Thank you ! ;-)
Thank you ! ;-)