The Autumn is here in all its colors. |
Der Herbst ist hier in all seiner Farbenpracht. |
Autumn Colors / Herbstfarben
Vršič Pass, Slovenia
Short time later, the dark rain clouds have covered everything. | Kurze Zeit später haben die dunklen Regenwolken alles verhüllt. |

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Canon EOS R | EF 16-35mm 1:4L IS USM
ISO 100 • f/9 • 1/40 sec • @35 mm
On the way home from my little climbing experience on Tuesday (This mountain did not like me / Dieser Berg mochte mich nicht) I drove over the Vršič Pass and wanted to take some pictures of the green Soča River in the Soča Valley. Unfortunately it started to rain there and so I drove on towards the pass. The woods have already turned beautiful autumnal and halfway to the pass I took these two photos from the other side of the valley. | Auf der Heimfahrt von meiner kleinen Bergbesteigung am Dienstag (This mountain did not like me / Dieser Berg mochte mich nicht) bin ich über den Vršič Pass gefahren und wollte vorher ein paar Fotos vom grünen Soča Fluss im Soča Tal machen. Leider hat es dort zu regnen begonnen und so bin ich weiter in Richtung des Passes gefahren. Die Wälder haben sich jetzt schon schön herbstlich verfärbt und auf halbem Weg auf den Pass habe ich diese beiden Fotos von der anderen Talseite gemacht. |

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Canon EOS R | EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM
ISO 100 • f/10 • 1/6 sec • @104 mm
When I took the third photo I was already on the other side of the pass and photographed from a small parking area next to the road up to the partially clouded rocks with the beautiful orange colored trees. | Beim dritten Foto war ich bereits auf der anderen Seite des Passes und habe von einer kleinen Parkfläche neben der Straße nach oben die zum Teil in Wolken gehüllten Felsen mit den schön orange gefärbten Bäumen fotografiert. |

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Canon EOS R | EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM
ISO 100 • f/11 • 1/15 sec • @118 mm
Location / Standort: Vršič-Pass on Google Maps |
Vršič-Pass - Wikipedia | Vršič-Pass - Wikipedia |
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Photos and Text: Johann Piber | All rights reserved - do not use without my permission
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Isnt it nice to see the fall colors coming out
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Yes, the woods look so very beautiful now, and I have to make some more photos in the next days, before all the leaves are on the ground ;)
Thank you very much JJ, have a great day 🙂
Good morning or midday my friend thats the thing with fall colors they come and go so quickly, I hope to pop out today I hope the wind and rain hasnt washed and blown most of the color away
Cheers and !BEER
Good midday JJ :)
... and I hope to see more colorful Autumn photos from you 🙂
Well I hope to get some shots of the colors to share, lets see how the weekend goes
Cheers and !BEER
I'm quite sure that you will get some nice shots over the weekend :)
Well I hope so time will tell :)
Cheers and !BEER
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for you. Enjoy it! Hey @tattoodjay, here is a little bit of!BEER
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Ich bin ein Testbot, wenn ich alles richtig gemacht habe, findest du deinen Beitrag in meinem Report wieder.
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for you. Enjoy it! Hey @mikrobi, here is a little bit ofby the
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 8/10)
The first photo is disturbing to me! That sharp edge!
The autumn colors are wonderful! Wish the sun were out for you!
This seemed like a strange or weird day for your adventure!
This kind of mountain ridge with the orange colored trees on the edge looked cool to me :)
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for you. Enjoy it! Hey @kaminchan, here is a little bit ofSchöne Herbststimmung auf deinen Fotos. Wahrscheinlich waren die Farben "in echt" noch intensiver... LG Kadna
Stimmt, in echt waren die Farben viel intensiver, aber nach dem feuchtkalten Bergerlebnis konnte meine Ausrüstung anscheinend noch nicht klar denken ... fotografieren ;)
Hihi, ist halt auch nur ein Mensch 😉
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Ist halt so wie beim Computer, wo der Fehler meistens zwischen Sessel und Tastatur zu finden ist ;) lol
;-)))) Prost !BEER LG Kadna
🙂 Guten Morgen und eine schöne Arbeitswoche - !BEER
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for you. Enjoy it! Hey @kadna, here is a little bit ofThank you!
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for you. Enjoy it! Hey @kadna, here is a little bit ofView or trade
for you. Enjoy it! Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit ofHave a witness !BEER
Thank you so much for the !BEER 👍🙂
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Howdy sir johannpiber! That top photo is incredible! It looks like you were very high for that one too.
Actually, I parked beside the road and have had to walk just a few meters to have a better view on the mountains on the other side of the valley ;)
Oh I thought you had to work for that photo. Now it's not as good as I thought it was. lol.
yay, I think it's a great night for a beer sir johannpiber. I believe in drinking at home so I don't have to worry about driving.
I can have as much virtual !BEER as I want and I still can drive ;) lol
That is very true and I think it is very fitting that you become the Missus's chauffeur if she wants a drink while you are out!
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for you. Enjoy it! Hey @janton, here is a little bit ofHowdy there beerlover! This little bit is a great start!
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for you. Enjoy it! Hey @janton, here is a little bit ofHowdy beerlover! Thanks for the little bit of beer, I need that!