Frozen Things / Gefrorene Sachen

in #photography5 years ago

What kind of winter is it that you have to look for frost, apart from the fact that there is no snow at all?

Welch ein Winter ist das, in dem man den Frost suchen muss, abgesehen, dass Schnee überhaupt nicht vorhanden ist?

Frozen Things / Gefrorene Sachen
Drau Reservoir Annabrücke . Carinthia

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Canon EOS R | EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM

Of course there is frost and ice all around, and I have already been able to take some nice photos.

Unfortunately, it is always relatively warm and beautiful for days, so that the little frost that grows overnight only stays a little longer in shady areas when there is no sunshine.

Natürlich gibt es Frost und Eis rundherum, und ich habe auch schon einige schöne Fotos machen können.

Leider ist es immer wieder tagelang relativ warm und schön, so dass der wenige Frost, der über Nacht entsteht, nur in schattigen Bereichen etwas länger bleibt, wenn dort kein Sonnenschein hingelangt.

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Canon EOS R | EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM


Late lies the wintry sun a-bed,
A frosty, fiery sleepy-head;
Blinks but an hour or two; and then,
A blood-red orange, sets again.

Before the stars have left the skies,
At morning in the dark I rise;
And shivering in my nakedness,
By the cold candle, bathe and dress,

Close by the jolly fire I sit
To warm my frozen bones a bit;
Or with a reindeer-sled, explore
The colder countries round the door.

When to go out, my nurse doth wrap
Me in my comforter and cap;
The cold wind burns my face, and blows
Its frosty pepper up my nose.

Black are my steps on silver sod;
Thick blows my frosty breath abroad;
And tree and house, and hill and lake,
Are frosted like a wedding-cake.

by Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894)

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Canon EOS R | EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM

Actually, I wanted to take pictures of ice and frost with the macro lens when I had my walk at the reservoir this morning, but after taking the first photo with the 70-200mm, I completely forgot about the macro.

But the macro shoot will be done as soon as possible.

Eigentlich wollte ich heute morgen bei meinem Spaziergang am Stausee Eis und Frost mit dem Makroobjektiv fotografieren, aber nachdem ich das erste Foto mit dem 70-200mm gemacht hatte, habe ich komplett auf das Makro vergessen.

Das Makroshooting wird aber so schnell als möglich nachgeholt.

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Canon EOS R | EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM


Der Winter hat mit kalter Hand
Die Pappel abgelaubt,
Und hat das grüne Maigewand
Der armen Flur geraubt;
Hat Blümchen, blau und rot und weiß,
Begraben unter Schnee und Eis.

Doch, liebe Blümchen, hoffet nicht
Von mir ein Sterbelied.
Ich weiß ein holdes Angesicht,
Worauf ihr alle blüht.
Blau ist des Augensternes Rund,
Die Stirne weiß, und rot der Mund.

Was kümmert mich die Nachtigall,
Im aufgeblühten Hain?
Mein Liebchen trillert hundertmal
So süß und silberrein;
Ihr Atem ist, wie Frühlingsluft,
Erfüllt mit Hyazinthenduft.

Voll für den Mund, und würzereich,
Und allerfrischend ist,
Der purpurroten Erdbeer' gleich,
Der Kuß, den sie mir küßt. –
O Mai, was frag' ich viel nach dir?
Der Frühling lebt und webt in ihr.

von Gottfried August Bürger (1747-1794)

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Canon EOS R | EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM

Does this look like a Winter photo to you?

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Canon EOS R | EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM


Location / Standort: Drau Reservoir Annabrücke

All photos were shot with the Canon EOS R and one of these lenses: Canon RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM, Canon EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM, Canon EF 16-35mm 1:4L IS USM, SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM, SIGMA 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM C

If you like my photos I would appreciate an upvote, nice comment or a resteem 😊 ... and maybe you would like to follow me, so you do not miss a post from me anymore.

Thank you for visiting my blog,
have a nice evening,

Photos and Text: Johann Piber | All rights reserved - do not use without my permission
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A hot !COFFEE in the morning is very important to me to wake up 😉

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Even without the snow you captured lovely frost photos.
Here’s a !COFFEEA to warm up. 😊

Thank you very much, Jo 🙂
Today it is warm and raining, what means that even these little frosty areas might already have gone.

Because it's so warm I would prefer a cold !BEER instead of a !COFFEEA but thanks a lot ;)

I can’t seem to get my !BEER build up enough to give any but will try. 😂

is the !COFFEEA even working?

Never mind - I'll help you with another !BEER 🙂

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Ice / frost is more beautiful than snow

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Oh, such a white field covered in snow or a lone tree white from snow can be very beautiful, my friend, but I agree with you, ice and frost is very beautiful 🙂

A hot !COFFEE in the morning is very important to me 😉

Snow and frost, each with its own beauty, we drink !BEER !COFFEEA in this !shop Appreciate them together

Frost looks even better when photographed with a macro lens, which I want to do today or tomorrow ;)
A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

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BEER Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @cloudblade for you. Enjoy it!

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The weather is very disappointing. Here in England we get used to winter without snow or ice.
To be honest I didn't expect that in the Alps.
It looks like climate warming is happening everywhere.
At least you managed to get some really nice photos of ice.
Have a good evening @johannpiber with some tasty !BEER and !COFFEEA

We have had less and less snow in winter for several years, but it usually snows shortly before spring begins. We also had snowfall in the valleys in May. I don't know if it is climate warming or if the seasons are moving to begin later.
Anyway, we will get used of that and in 10 or 15 years nobody will moan in January when there's still no snow.

Thanks a lot for your kind comment, @cezary-io, I wish you a great day and working week 🙂

A hot !COFFEE in the morning is very important to me to wake up 😉

upvoted and resteemed
by the


Thank you so much for the resteem, @artmentor, I appreciate it 🙂


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Vielen lieben Dank, @germanbot - von mir gibt es wie immer als Dank dafür natürlich ein kleines !BEER 🙂

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I am !DERANGED and give some away too...

!DERANGED to the deranged ... thank you my friend 🙂

!Beer to the Beers 😉😂

😂 Right, !BEER to the beers 🍺


What about a 😜 !DERANGED 🍺 !BEER 😉😆👍

Beer is out, so you might as well have a !DERANGED !COFFEEA instead ;)

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BEER Hey @pixelfan, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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Manually curated by the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much for curating my post, @qurator, I do really appreciate your support 🙂


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Does this look like a Winter photo to you?

Not really, it does not even look that cold. We are maybe going to get a warm up this week, at least maybe get out of the negative numbers by mid week, -10F while slightly warmer than the last couple mornings, is still fricken cold.

It has been an odd winter in Alaska where we live.

It is cold here, but not as cold as it should be, and of course not as cold as it is in Alaska ;)
In the mornings we have about -3 to -6C (37-21F), but during the days it is getting warmer ... it's too cold for you and too warm for us - give us some minus and you'll get some plus from us, and we all will be satisfied ;) lol

Thanks for your comment and have a nice evening my friend 🙂

A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

BEER Hey @bashadow, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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Bei uns ist dieses Jahr wieder weit und breit kein Eis zu sehen. Schön, dass es wenigsten von dir ein paar Bilder gibt. Sonst bekäme ich hier gar nicht mit, dass es Winter ist.

Gern geschehen - wo es schattig ist, da gibt es bei uns auch Eis und Frost. Morgens hatten wir sogar ein paar Mal richtig schönen Frost mit Nebel und allem drum und dran, aber richtiger Winter ist das hier auch keiner. Mal sehen, was noch kommt, bevor der Frühling da ist ;)
Ich danke dir und wünsche dir noch einen schönen Sonntagabend 🙂

A !BEER has to be cold to taste good 😉

BEER Hey @thomasthewolf, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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BEER Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @cezary-io for you. Enjoy it!

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BEER Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of from @cloudblade for you. Enjoy it!

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Moin Johann,

sehr schöne Spiegelung :)

Und Eis macht schon spezielle Formen :)

Liebe Grüße

BEER Hey @uruguru, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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Wie sagst du? Moin moin 😉

Danke dir vielmals, der See war an diesem Morgen schön ruhig und die Sonne war hinter Wolken und Nebel, so dass das Licht für mich genau gepasst hat.

In den Schattenbereichen war Eis und etwas Frost vorhanden, aber wirklich nicht wie man sich einen Winter vorstellt. Heute Morgen hatten wir -2 Grad - das Eiskratzen hat der Scheibenwischer erledigt.

Liebe Grüße 🙂


Moin Moin, so sagen die Norddeutschen und ich auch manchmal :)

  • 2 Grad, na immerhin ein Hauch von Winter, würde es regnen käme der als Schnee runter :)
    Liebe Grüße

BEER Hey @uruguru, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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Mahlzeit 🙂

Momentan hat es 7 Plusgrade und die Sonne scheint - das ist nicht wirklich winterlich, sondern eher sommerlich, so wie bei dir ;)

Liebe Grüße 🙂


Oh wir haben 23 Grad, es ist ei wenig frischer heute als die letzten Tage mit an die 36 Grad.
Denke es wird in den nächsten tage auch mal wieder etwas Wasser von oben geben.
Wäre gut für die Natur.

Liebe Grüße

BEER Hey @uruguru, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

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Wasser von oben wäre auch hier fein, für die Natur und für mich ... und dazu aber Minus- statt Plusgrade ;)

So, 8 Stunden sind genug für einen Montag - ich begebe mich jetzt nach Hause und wenn ich die Fotos für meinen heutigen Beitrag schnell fertig bekomme, dann muss ich ein bisschen raus, aber heute mit dem Makro.

Bis später, liebe Grüße 🙂


Viel Glück wünsche ich Dir schon mal vorab :)

Liebe Grüße

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Thank you very much for always keeping me informed, @steemitboard, I do appreciate your service 👍🙂


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Beautiful Beautiful parts of winter ..
i love R.L. Stevenson .... it fits with the photos@johannpiber😊

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Such things are all the winter has to offer us by now.Thank you very much for your kind comment, @suzana72 🙂

A hot !COFFEE in the morning is very important to me to wake up 😉

You're welcome@johannpiber🤗
I hope 😁❄️

Posted using Partiko Android

Einen schönen Artikel hast du geschrieben.
Die Eisgebilde sind sehr beeindruckend.
Es ist wirklich interessant, was in der Natur entsteht.
Eine gute Woche wünsche ich dir.

Leider gibt es bei uns zur Zeit nicht viel mehr als solche Sachen, aber irgendwann müsste der Winter ja auch hier auftauchen 😉
Ich wünsche dir auch eine schöne Woche.Dankeschön @chruuselbeeri 🙂

A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

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Thank you very much for informing me, @arcange, I appreciate your service 🙂


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Holy smokes! That last photos is fantastic! I would make a huge one of those to put on a wall. With photos that good you don't need a macro lens do you?

Wow, what a nice comment from you, my friend, thank you so much 🙂
No, I didn't have my macro lens with me, but the 70-200mm telephoto lens makes some nice shots too ;)

A !BEER has to be cold and a !COFFEEA has to be hot to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

Is the macro lens similar to the big 70-200 MM lens sir johannpiber? Here's some tokens for doing such a great job. !ENGAGE 50

No, the 70-200 is a telephoto lens to zoom closer to further away objects and I cannot get very close to small objects, but it magnifies these objects quite well. With the macro lens I can get very close to small objects and these are shown very big on the photos 🙂
Thanks for the engage tokens 🙂

A !BEER has to be cold and a !COFFEEA has to be hot to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

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steem-engine.comYou just received DERANGED @janton Keep up the great work. Congrats, you have been gifted 1 DerangedCoin. You can redeem 20 of them for an upvote from the deranged.coin account. Redeem your tokens by sending to deranged.coin through Steem Engine with your post URL in the memo field, view all your tokens at Vote for c0ff33a as Witness Lucky you @janton here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at Vote for c0ff33a as Witness Lucky you @johannpiber here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at

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