Macro: Green Shield Bug / Grüne Stinkwanze (Palomena prasina)

in #photography6 years ago

Nobody wants to see insect macros on flowers - I have read, that after the blockchain software update HF21 posts like this should get downvotes, because now it is so very easy to downvote posts (more at the end).
But I haven't got any downvotes on my macros so far - I'm curious how this Stink bug, which really nobody loves, will do.

Niemand will Insektenmakros auf Blumen sehen - ich habe gelesen, dass nach dem Blockchain Software update HF21 Beiträge wie dieser Downvotes bekommen sollen, weil es jetzt so einfach ist, Beiträge zu downvoten.
Aber auf meine Makros habe ich bisher noch keine Downvotes bekommen - bin schon gespannt, wie diese Stinkwanze, die ja nun wirklich niemand liebt, abschneidet.

Green Shield Bug / Grüne Stinkwanze
Palomena prasina

❖ click for fullsize view ❖

Canon EOS R | SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM
ISO 200 • f/8 • 1/80 sec • @105 mm

This specimen is a nymph, so a not yet adult bug.

Bei diesem Exemplar handelt es sich um eine Nymphe, also um eine noch nicht erwachsene Wanze.

After the little bug had threatened to jump from the flower into the abyss, if I did not stop harassing it, I stopped photographing and stepped back.

Nachdem die kleine Wanze mir gedroht hatte, von der Blume in die Tiefe zu springen, wenn ich nicht aufhöre, sie zu belästigen, habe ich mich natürlich zurückgezogen.

❖ click for fullsize view ❖

Canon EOS R | SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM
ISO 200 • f/8 • 1/40 sec • @105 mm

In case of danger, the stink bugs can secrete a malodorous secretion from their stink glands. Therefore, the stink bug has its name :) The secretion is incidentally non-toxic, but may cause allergic reactions in some people.

Bei Gefahr können die Stinkwanzen ein übelriechendes Sekret aus ihren Stinkdrüsen am Hinterleib absondern. Daher hat die Stinkwanze auch ihren Namen :) Das Sekret ist übrigens ungiftg, kann jedoch bei einigen Menschen allergische Reaktionen hervorrufen.

The insects are green with small dots from spring to autumn. When it gets colder in autumn, they turn brown and reddish brown. After hibernation, they turn green again in the spring.

Die Insekten sind vom Frühjahr bis zum Herbst grün mit kleinen Punkten. Wenn es im Herbst kälter wird, dann verfärben sie sich und werden braun oder rotbraun. Nach der Überwinterung, verfärben sie sich im Frühjahr wieder grün.


Green shield bug Grüne Stinkwanze

If you like my photos I would appreciate an upvote, nice comment or a resteem 😊 ... and maybe you would like to follow me, so you do not miss a post from me anymore.

Thank you for visiting my blog,
have a nice evening,
Johann Piber

Photos and Text: Johann Piber
#originalcontent #originalworks #deutsch #austria #steemit-austria



upvoted and resteemed
by the


!BEERThank you for the resteem, dear @artmentor, I appreciate it very much 😊

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Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
Check the rules of the Daily Spotlights if you want to nominate someone!
Pixresteemer is also listed as promoter on The Steemians Directory

!BEERThank you very much for the resteem, @pixresteemer, I appreciate it 😊

Thanks a lot my friend...always happy with a good 🍺 or 🍺🍺
(but... what can one do with it? Should I stake it?)

You want two !BEER ? No problem - cheers ;)
You're much welcome.

Plus: the beer token are more worth than the small votes on comments, which ae worthless anyway ;)Yes, you can stake it - @beerlover tells you more about it. The beer should already be on your account at For every 6 beer you have staked, you can send 1 beer to somebody using this command.

Sorry for the late reply... think I'm a bit drunk :-)
So, I start staking...expect to get some beers too in the near future ;-)

Did I send you the wrong !BEER ? Mine are alcohol-free ;) lol
I will try to not forget to add one :)

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Coole Fotorvon der Stinkwanze👌

Danke dir, dass es die die Fotos gefallen 😊
Auch von mir gibt's ein !BEER ;)

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It may be a stick bug and not something people go looking for but you have captured it so well showing off its beauty, it is well deserving of an upvote and a !BEER, that is if i can send them at the moment

It worked,
good morning and cheers, JJ 😊

I have always thought, this bug would be a completely different bug - I didn't know, that it's kind of a teenager stink bug ;)

Thank you so much, that you like the photos, which I have taken in my mum's garden 😎

Let's fill up your !BEER warehouse :)

Isn’t it cool how through our passion for photography we learn so much like I never thought about there being teenager stink bugs

I hope your day is going well and thanks for the 🍻

Maybe somebody should advertise Steemit as "Educational Platform", as I always say 😉
My day is fine so far, and the weather is nice too :)
You're in the train? I wish you a good work day.

Maybe I'll go for a ride around the lake "Faakersee" this afternoon, because:

But I don't know, because there are so many bikes, that you would be faster, when you walked by foot around the lake - and it's so loud 😎

My warehouse is full, and I am glad, that I can give one !BEER for each comment ... until beerlover tells me off ;)

European Bike Week
European Bike Week is an annual motorcycle rally held at Lake Faak in Austria. Attendance in 2012 was 120,000 people, the largest rally in Europe and the third largest worldwide.The first motorcycle meeting at Lake Faak took place in 1998 and was a Harley-Davidson anniversary event at this time. The meeting was organized by Daniela Gabriel, who worked for Harley-Davidson Europe management. The first meeting took place with 15,000 participants.

Thank you, now JJ does not need to click on the link 😉

Yes just about to get off the train in about 10 minutes and go fir a little walk before work
That would perhaps be cool to see all the bikes but as you say also so frustrating to have to go so slow because of them all

I have just come back, and I have been faster than I had thought ;)

Most bikers had their bike parked along the road around the lake, and so it was quite an easy ride :)

Today they had beautiful sunshine, but for the weekend the weather forecast says it will rain - same as last year, but last year the forecast was a bit wrong and they had nice weather on Saturday and Sunday.

Glad you got a good ride and the trip was faster than you hoped for and made the most of a sunny day lets hope there wrong and you have a nice weekend

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Sorry, but I have to try, if the engage token is working, because I cannot always serve beer ;)

I don’t think the engage is working these days and don’t worry about sending the !BEER you have already sent me so many

... and you will get more, my friend, because the more !BEER you stake, the more you can send to people, and maybe this increases the price 😊

That’s a good point I should look at the price and maybe stake myself some more !BEER
Will look at that this evening

I have bought a bit cheaper, than they cost now - I am already a winner, and my profit would certainly be about 2 or maybe even three Steem, if I sell all !BEER now 😉

I do like the idea of a virtual Beer so if i buy any it will be for sharing around more and not with a thought of selling any

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Thank you very much 😊

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Thank you so much 😊

So there it is - wie angekündigt. 😁 Das Tierchen ist ja allerliebst.

Ich hab's zwar nicht getestet, aber ich glaube, in diesem Stadium stinken sie noch nicht ;)
Dankeschön, dass dir das "Insekt auf Blüte" gefällt 😊
Dafür kriegst du von mir ein !BEER - prost :)

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Guten Tag,

Mein Name ist GermanBot und du hast von mir ein Upvote erhalten. Als UpvoteBot möchte ich dich und dein sehr schönen Beitrag unterstützen. Jeden Tag erscheint ein Voting Report um 19 Uhr, in dem dein Beitrag mit aufgelistet wird. In dem Voting Report kannst du auch vieles von mir erfahren, auch werden meine Unterstützer mit erwähnt. Schau mal bei mir vorbei, hier die Votings Reports. Mach weiter so, denn ich schaue öfter bei dir vorbei.

Euer GermanBot

Dankeschön für dein Upvote, lieber @germanbot, von mir kriegst du im Gegenzug ein !BEER - prost 😊

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Who doesn't love insects on flowers macros? One of my best performing posts was of an assassin bug on a fuchsia lily. I love them – even seek them out sometimes in the photography feed.


I had to ask Google, what an "assassin bug" is - never seen before, I think, but it looks somehow interesting :)

!BEER Thank you so much for your nice comment and for the resteem, @momzillanc, I appreciate it 😊

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beautiful photography

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much, that you like my little sting bug photos - everybody likes insects on flowers ;)


Posted using Partiko Android

It was still alive, when I left it ;)
Thanks for your comment, @shuvo35 😊

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Thank you so much for keeping me informed, @steemitboard 😊

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Cheers - thank you so much - dankeschön 😊

This post has been manually curated by PhotoStream: The Photography Tribe!

banner 1.jpg

Congratulations, keep up the great work!

Thank you very much, I appreciate it 😊

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Hehe, mir gefällt das macro von der stinkwanze ^^ .. der Farbkontrast zu dem orange und dem gelb sieht so schön aus ;)

... und Fotos stinken nicht - zumindest nicht digitale ;)

Dankeschön, dass dir die Fotos gefallen. Speziell im Sommer bin ich viel mit dem Makro unterwegs.

... und vielleicht denke ich endlich wieder mal daran, dein amazingnature tag zu verwenden, aber leider vergesse ich nicht nur diesen Contest, sondern alle 😎

Aber zum Trost gibt's von mir ein !BEER ... prost!

Juhuu .. noch ein bier ^^ .. wenn das do weiter geht habe ich bald einen ganzen Kasten zusammen, hehe .. es gibt zum glück immer einige Teilnehmer für den contest und ich bin froh das er nun schon einige male zustande kam .. nichtsdestotrotz bist du immer ein sehr willkommer Teilnehmer mit ständig guten Content und Beschreibungen ;) .. und was den Käfer angeht, Schönheit liegt im Auge des Betrachters .. nicht umsonst steht in der #amazingnature challenge: "There is such a diversity ... from different perspectives and out of various motivations."

Schönen guten Morgen und danke für die nette Antwort - ich vergesse leider wirklich immer auf solche Contests :(
Und für die nette Antwort bekommst du natürlich noch ein !BEER 😊

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Pretty flower with Green Shield Bug photography.

Thank you very much, that you like this little bug, @kamrunnahar 😊

I have an abundance of the brown stink bugs here... They are pests eating over 100 different plant leaves.

Oh, that's not good, but I have read of several methods to get rid of them. Just ask Google and you will find a lot of ideas. Unfortunately, they are no problem here, where I live. So, I cannot help you by telling a working way ;)
Maybe a !BEER will help you a bit ;)

Thanks 😉

You're much welcome 😊

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I actually did not know that they hibernated. I thought that they were seasonal, laid eggs and then new ones hatched in the spring.

Very interesting.

Thank you for the photos, which are awesome and the added information is a bonus! Have a wonderful night~!!


Good morning once again, Denise 😊

I did not know these things either. I always try to get sure, that the information I provide is correct, and compare the Wikipedia infos with other websites :)

I thank you once again, that you like my post and the photos, and I thank you also for the !tip of course.

The Castle Of Bled / Die Burg Von Bled (Slovenia)@johannpiber wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @johannpiber if you like it :)

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Treed On Tuesday With A Wednesday Walk@dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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🎁 Hi @johannpiber! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

Thank you so much, @dswigle 😊

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Thank you very much 😊

I like these very much!

Thank you so much, Ross 😊
Now I like the bug as well, but not anymore when it's grown up and stinks 😉

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Thank you :)

Amazing colours! Very lucky at spotting this tiny fellow!
Nice macro! This opens up a different world.

Why do I always forget the !BEER ?

Thank you so much, dear @kaminchan, and you are right, macro photos show us a completely different world 😊

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Who could help but love your incredible photography? Great shot!

It's not incredible, it's just a teenager stink bug 😉 lol

!BEER Thank you so much for liking my photos and for this nice comment, @melinda010100 😊 I wish you a great weekend.

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I think those are great sir johannpiber! Who would ever downvote you anyway? I don't even understand the reason for downvoting someone.

A few months ago I have found someone who had stolen a post of mine - copied text and photos. I wrote a comment and reported him to the Steemcleaners, who have downvoted him.

Until the hardfork my voting power was too valuable for me to use it for downvotes. Now I think, I would downvote such a stupid guy at once, but I would never downvote anyone just for fun.

Thank you so much, that you like the stinkbug, my friend 😊

Ok, I just said there is no reason to downvote anyone but I change my mind now, THAT is a good reason to downvote someone! Yay, another beer, it's the weekend afterall. lol.

Weekend is over for me now ;)
Some big whales think, they have to play the judges and punish everyone who uses bots or buys votes.
They seem not to cae, that there are other, real reasons to downvote, like plagiarism or copy&paste and such.

Well that's news to me. That sucks if you are posting quality content and just are trying to grow your account! I need a drink after learning about this. Thanks for the beer sir!

You can have one more !BEER my friend 😊
I'll wait and see how the whole thing develops, and I hope, that all this does not harm the fun we have.

So many people have gone to other platforms like weku, as you know, because of these hardforks making it more difficult for people, especially small or newer accounts.

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yay! more beer!

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Howdy beerlover! Thanks so much!

lol, those who would flag posts like this one - which is imho, info packed means they're abusing the downvote button, it's not intentioned for unreasonable purposes afaik.

To be honest, I also cannot imagine, that someone would downvote such a cute stink bug teenager 😉 lol

!BEER Thank you very much for your nice words, @englishtchrivy 😊

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