
I did not used to be so against that season, but seems over the las few years I feel the cold a little moe each year i guess thats gettin old LOL

I can totaly understand this, because my parents' house is right at a steep forest, and the sun isn't shining into the windows from September till March. So, it was often very cold, especially in the Winter we woke up in the morning and there was ice on the inside of the window.

So, the coldness was never a problem for me, when the others needed thick jackets, I didn't freeze ... but the older I become the more I dislike cold weather and in the Winter I need more layers than years ago.

Exactly, the cold just seems to get into our bones as we get older, doesn’t it

Yes, true, and in my left ankle I can feel the bad weather sometimes before it is here.

Ohh yes. Know what you mean with that for me its my Knees and right shoulder, they eat me know when rain is coming

Now I sound like my mom - she loves to talk about her illnesses and pains.
I hope you don't tell her, because always when I visit her, I make a joke and ask her, which new illness she has got.