
Macros sounds good I may have to try some this weekend also with the nice weather

Have you seen the new tripod peak design are bringing out a real innovation I am debating ordering one

I have seen it on Youtube yesterday and it looks really good, but the price is a bit heavy - $ 400 - did I hear right?

Yeah I think it’s 490 for carbon fiber and 300 fir aluminum
A bit pricey but I knew be some of the features
May be good to wait till other companies copy the idea fir cheaper lol

You can buy it and tell me then, how you like it ... I will wait then, until someone sells it on ebay ;)
It looks good, as I said, but 490 for a travel tripod is too much for me at the moment ... until the Steem rises ;)

Yeah I know if it’s as good as they make it look would be great fir carrying into the city but I see it’s not going to be shipped till December one month after that I won’t be going to the city anymore
So thinking it could be money better spent on a lens

Why don't you go to the city anymore? ... don't need to answer this question ;) LOL

Yes, it's a kickstarter thing. As you said, I will wait, because other companies will certainly copy the design, and they will be cheaper. In the meantime I am very satisfied with my Manfrotto :)

Ohh o still go to the city now but come February will retire and will move soon after and no long be going into NYC so that’s a factor in my decision I would only use it for a couple of months then my current bigger one would be all I would need