
No Indeed it could not tell that but t can tell when your active while sleeping which the one time i tried it was most of the night, I think they say you generally have a few dreams a night, I only ever remember one if that, and they may sometimes include running but generally away from somehting LIke the other night being chased by a bull through a paddock running s fast asI could with camera tripod camera bag and a chilly bin, which is one of the weird thing i never take a chilly bin with me when out walking for photos

Chased by a bull? That's weird, but I have had other wild animals like lions and snakes chasing me ;)
And you had a lot to carry. Maybe the bull wanted a cool drink 😎
Dreams are strange. Sometimes I wake up from an interesting dream and think, that I have to remember it, and then the dream is gone. All I know, is that it was somehow interesting 😂

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I think thats one comes from an actual experience when I was younger, in a cross country race the farmer forgot the day it was on and leafy the Bull in a field we had to cross, I was leading the race and the Bull took after after me, All I was good I managed to get tot he next fence and across safely, and then they diverted the race around the field for the rest so clearly that still sits somewhere in my memory banks and comes back in dreams
I tell you what if I was ever being chased by a Bull He could have the chilly bin,, maybe even the tripod but no way my Camera LOL
thats a feeling that frustrates me waking up and knowing so clearly that I just had a really interesting dream but having no idea what it was lOL

Yes, every dream has to do with something that happened in the past, or something else deep in your mind. I think, my niece, a psychologist, could tell you more 🤔😴
I can imagine, that this Bull, running after you, is still in your mind.

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Yes I do think you are right that most dreams do relate to our past, my Stepson on the other hand is kind of freaky, occasionally he has a dream that relates to the future, a bit of witchy powers maybe I remember one case where He came out on Sunday Morniing and asked what day are you flying to Entebbe, and I said What are you talking about I have no plans to go there, and he then said Ohh I though you were going there and on to.... We laughed and continued on, the next morning the boss called me in and wanted me to go to Entebbe and on to another one of our missions exactly as Mark had said

I m sure if I ever went to a physchologist I would drive them nuts with total confusion LOL

Cool dream, could you ask him if he dreamed about my lotto win next weekend?
I know, that there must be more than just birth - life - death, but I don't know what. Maybe in many years, when I decide to leave this life, I will know ;)

Every psychologist needs one himself :)

LOL We do think alike, when he lived with us I left a pen and paper on his bedside table with the request if he ever dreams of numbers to write them down, but sadly he never did lOL

I was involved as an HMm guinea pig i guess way back when in the army, for a group Of University Students dong a Phycology study where for a week they did exercise, IQ sort of tests practical tests and Question sessions, I remember of about 20 that got volunteered for this session 19 fitted neatly into their boxes and expectations, I was the odd one who didnt fit any pattern and confused the hell out of them, I think partly because I have always been different and partly because I was bored so played games with their minds LOL