
Ohh yes that is so true they are cool but nit smart enough or are smart enough to not risk that they do not know the difference between a camera and a rifle

The hunters shoot for fun and I also shoot for fun, but my rabbit does not die from the shot 😉
(I hope, no hunter reads this ;)

I did hunt with my family and uncles onthe farm whenI was younger, was even a qualified Marksman inthe army, but these days allI want to shoot are photos :)

That's what I wanted to hear ... shooting photos is better :)
I like a beautiful picture on the wall more than an antler.

Ohh yes I think so as well I ave never like antlers of anima heads on walls i think thats kind of sick

As sick as paying to be allowed to shoot an animal. I have had such discussions with friends, who are hunters, but when they hunt, they are in another world somehow.

The Last time I hunted I think was the week before I joined the UN, so close to 30 Years ago, but no rifles the friend i went hunting with used a crossbow, and i can say although we saw a few deer, we were terrible and knowing the way the wind was blowing or at being quiet enough to get close enough to any of them to get a shot so no Amina’s were injured but it was a fun experience