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RE: Fog in the Valley / Nebel im Tal

in #photography5 years ago

Oh, I would love to have the luck, that someone very rich would see my photos and likes them so much, that he would buy some.
And many people would follow him, so that I would become rich from my photos, and I could live from photographing. This would be the luck, that I would like to have ... or to win the lottery ;) lol


hah! either one of those events would be wonderful sir johannpiber and either one is possible!

Anything is possible - that's also what our lottery says ;)

Do you guys play the lottery? I never have but you can't win if you don't play!

Yes, @janton, I play a small amount avery week, using the same numbers for many, many years. I have won several times small amounts, but all in all I am losing, of course :(

lol! That's a good way to do it sir johannpiber, consistency could pay off in a big way sooner or later.

I hope, that it will be sooner than later ;)

me too, you could become a whale!