Hello @janton,
it is 17:19pm and I am at home.
Of course, blame the old Europeans... and it's also our fault that your snakes don't carry a bell that you can hear them coming, apart from the rattlesnake ;)
Hello @janton,
it is 17:19pm and I am at home.
Of course, blame the old Europeans... and it's also our fault that your snakes don't carry a bell that you can hear them coming, apart from the rattlesnake ;)
haha! I agree, it's the Europeans fault, they came over here in the first place and got us all started here so they can be blamed for everything! You guys can handle it, you're used to it by now!
But the important question is, did you get any photos today?
No, no photos today, but a few from the weekend, which I have posted a few minutes ago :)
.... yeah, blame us, or better, blame me for the snakes on your property.
If they were european snakes, they would be able to read a sign like "No snakes allowed" or "Snakes, please ring the bell before you come in".
What do you think, why we hardly see any snakes here in Europe? We have the second sign, but the button for the bell is mounted too high up for the snakes, so they come and leave, because they cannot ring the bell. Did I mention, that our snakes are very polite too? LOL