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RE: Fall Fun at the Farm: Part 2

in #photography7 years ago

This is amazing! The Farm and Corn Maze we were at, has all the same features as the one you were at! Gollee!

That Billie Goat sure gets around. I'll be t he goes on tour to ham it up for the cameras - and that probably makes the pigs mad.

Do you think these animals are on steroids? I don't know. Those squash in the opening photo look unreal too. More GMO's?

What is this world coming to? LOL!!


All of the same features? What are the odds???

Yeah, the world is pretty messed up. Good thing lots of smart people are going to tell us what we can and can’t do with our stuff and our lives! How could things possibly get any worse?

Yep, we're at the nadir :)