I'll be randomising it up a bit between my photos from Corsica and England.
This is an old arch remnant that is at the back of Corte Citadel. I can only assume that it was a rampart, to act as a defensive position, overlooking the valley.
Taken with my Fuji X-T2, 18-55 Lens on a HDR setting.
Follow me and I'll aim to post one per day ;)
I'll be picking someone who up-voted at random through Google number Generator each week. Whoever is picked will get a memo with my email address in it. If you send me a name and mailing address (doesn't have to be yours), I'll send you a personal post card with your voted picture on it.
Seriously though, I hope you like them!
https://www.awesome-photos.com/ - All of my photos of Corsica and England.
https://www.trucklumi.eu/ - EU commercial vehicle lighting such as marker lights, spot lamps etc
https://www.easytrackers.co.uk/ - Live tracking in the UK with no contract and no hidden fees.
https://www.johnyelland.co.uk/ - All about me and my travels, working experience etc.
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
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I like your post
Thank you very much!
Good photography
Good post
More of this please! T’was good.
Very nice picture...