The rolling clouds give it depth along with the trees up front to the mountains deep in the background. The low light keeps the details low but still enough to be able to re size it to 1080p and give an over all nice looking picture. I did some color and saturation but had to be careful not to bring out flaws and color mismatch that is hidden from a small sensor in low light.
I would of like to kept the 4k res but this was much better as a 1080p , when I get my new camera this wont be so much of a problem. I'm sure I can do things to make this a better picture but I lack the skills to do that right now. I will learn more about it. Anyways enjoy the photo I had a lot of fun taking it!
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You do understand that doing comments like this is seen as spam and whales will down vote you on the spot for this. making meaningful helpful comments will gain you a lot more positive attention but that's just my 2 cents worth.
İ liked it thats why i send something funny and i was interested in the shadow bot. Have a great day
Just giving you heads up on how the community looks at things, not all but a lot and they down vote people. I don't but they do.
Wonderful work.
Thank you
Wooowww really spectacular shoot!
Thanks it was fun taking it.