A ticket to freedom

in #photography2 years ago

QuoteDon't you experience those moments in which you realize that you are captive in the monotony of your routine, and you reflect: "The time has come to seek the long-awaited freedom"?.
Quote It is then that you decide to embark on a journey, and along the way you discover singular places and moments that reveal an escape path from such suffocating captivity. Those precious moments, impregnated with subtleties and nuances, are the ones that grace your journey.

¿No experimentas acaso aquellos instantes en los que adviertes que estás cautivo en la monotonía de tu rutina, y reflexionas: "Ha llegado el momento de buscar la anhelada libertad"?.
Es entonces cuando te resuelves a emprender un viaje, y en el transcurso descubres parajes y momentos singulares que te revelan una senda de escape de tan asfixiante cautiverio. Son esos preciados instantes, impregnados de sutilezas y matices, los que engalanan tu travesía.

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