Gastronomic photography with Ferrero Images

In the Itinerant School of the Orient Coffee

We received with great pleasure to Images Ferrero


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With delicious desserts, meals and coffee, we had a nice day.


Between laughter and photos.


We obtained a lot of learning from them.


Thanks to the contribution of our Venezuelan entrepreneurs, these results were achieved.


Hopefully Images Ferrero soon return to our city of Cumana.


Yes I know! Their mouths watered. I hope you liked these photos.


your photos his beautiful it makes me hungry it's so good!

I had to put on a bib to catch all of the drool! Great post, will follow to drool more....

thank you friend, that was the idea

And boy oh boy.......did it work!

Nice post and pictures :) I am starting to be hungry too! :D

thank you very much, if the same thing happens to me every time I see the post

vaya vaya, quien tomaria esas fotos ajajajaj.