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RE: Enjoying the View

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

In Latin America nipples are completely censored and forbidden, in general terms. It is almost impossible to find a woman sunbathing topless on the beach, even worse taking topless pictures in public places. Free-The-Nipple!

I used to shoot boudoir photography —which I found exciting—, however both me and my model were harshly criticized. So I gave up against my will. Think I was born on the wrong country.

Very, very nice pictures of you, by the way. I'm also enjoying the view!


That is just so twisted! You have hot weather and the most beautiful women in the worlds, and your society wants to hide them. Makes no fucking sense to me.

I agree with you! However, at the same time, Latin America is one of the most religious regions in the world (Catholicism prevails). The way of thinking of many people is full of prejudice and almost hasn't changed since the Middle Ages!