Mountain mushrooms

Not sure if they are eatable, haven't tried :)
To be honest don't know anything about them, only of those that I buy in supermarket :)
But I do know that they look beautiful and interesting in forest.




They look not eatable. It's better no to taste them ))

I believe you @dashdendelion and sure I wouldn't try something like that on my own :)

Знаш како се каже, @jungwatercolor: Све су јестиве — неке више пута, а неке само једном :)

(Дал’ сам то већ помињао овде?)

So nicemushrooms! I think they aren't edible, better if you don't eat them ^_^

Gljive su svet za sebe @jungwatercolor. Ovu na poslednjoj fotografiji moj muž redovno sakuplja, jer njima dimi pčele :) Ja verujem samo mojoj kumi kada su pečurke u pitanju, a i izvrsna je kuvarica :)