On our second day in Cuba, with the skies clearing up, we decided to walk around Havana and visit all the little plazas that were surrounding that city such as Plaza Vieja and Plaza de Armas and Malecón.
20mm 2.8: 1/60sec @ 2.8, ISO 800
20mm 2.8: 1/250sec @ 4.0, ISO 400
20mm 2.8: 1/250sec @ 4.0, ISO 400
20mm 2.8: 1/250sec @ f/4.0, ISO 500
20mm 2.8: 1/800sec @ f/4.0, ISO 500
20mm 2.8: 1/640sec @ f/11, ISO 320
20mm 2.8: 1/1000sec @ f/4.0, ISO 800
20mm 2.8: 1/500sec @ f/4.0, ISO 800
20mm 2.8: 1/200sec @ f/4.0, ISO 500_
20mm 2.8: 1/160sec @ f/4.0, ISO 400
20mm 2.8: 1/160sec @ f/4.0, ISO 400
20mm 2.8: 1/250sec @ f/2.8, ISO 800
20mm 2.8: 1/1600sec @f/ 2.8, ISO 800
20mm 2.8: 1/250sec @ f/2.8, ISO 400
20mm 2.8: 1/640sec @ f/11, ISO 320
20mm 2.8: 1/2000sec @ f/4.0, ISO 500
That concludes the second post of the #SightsOf Series, be sure to follow and get up to date with the series! I will be posting more soon. Also, any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
CAMERA: Nikon D610
LENS: 20mm 2.8 NIKKOR,
Beautiful photos, such a lovely shots..
thank you @athavan, I'm truly glad you enjoyed them!