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RE: Knowledge is Power

in #photography7 years ago
Es interesante ver cuanto ha avanzado la tecnología, gran cantidad de material que estaba en libros ahora está en la web... Sin embargo los expertos dicen que el acto de "leer un libro, sentir su aroma a papel y tinta es mucho mas productivo y significativo para el cerebro que leerlo en una computadora", así que recomiendo tener esa grata experiencia con un buen libro, tomarlo en nuestras manos, sentir su contextura, su peso, la textura de sus hojas y leer con detenimiento su contenido, es muy gratificante.
It is interesting to see how far the technology has advanced, a lot of material that was in books is now on the web... However, experts say that the act of "reading a book, feeling its smell of paper and ink is much more productive and significant for the brain than reading it on a computer", so I recommend having that pleasant experience with a good book, taking it in our hands, feeling its texture, its weight, the texture of its leaves and reading its contents carefully, is very gratifying.


See you on the top

Sure, Master and Friend @dobartim