You’re both sick in the head. My daughter is cute and there’s nothing wrong with me saying she’s cute just like there’s nothing wrong if you had a cute puppy and you said the puppies cute. Your warped in the head you sick fuck. You see something sexual about a little girls picture of her face and head and then you downvote her little black and white flowers that she so proud of. You’re no better than the guy who left the weird comment. Financially harassing and bullying a little kid in a mom. Both fucked in the head.
Awe....psycho much?
Psycho much you’re the one that just downvoted a little girls pictures of her flowers. Who is legally blind might I add you sick fuck. You’ll burn in hell.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Might be a bit inappropriate given the situation, but the "Posted using Partiko iOS" part takes a bit from the seriousness of all this lmao