Are you showing me your teeth? Is that a threat?
I know I'm kinda close... perhaps 10 yards is too close for comfort? Or maybe she's just chewing, I'm not sure. I managed to capture a bunch of shots of this young doe, and I'm entering the first shot in the Wildlife Wednesday photo contest by @derangedcontests, in the pro tier. I don't know if the first one is the best of the batch, but I was closest at this point, and it's the only shot with direct eye contact... and also, there's that thing with the teeth. I do think it was a warning to stay back!
Olympus E-M1.2, 1/1600s f/2.8 ISO400 60mm

I take two steps back and the doe relaxes and begins to eat again.

I'll show you a few more photos... perhaps you could tell me your favourite from the lot. Whenever I have more than one shot of a subject, I'm not sure which one to enter in a contest. Maybe the one below is better... doesn't have that metal railing which shows up in the first two photos.

I've mentioned before how many deer we have in the city, and how unafraid they are of people. I think this was my closest encounter so far.

For the final shot I froze and she calmly walked across the path in front of me... again no more than 10 yards away. These shots were made with my macro lens... no zoom.

I hope you enjoyed these photos - all taken by me, @keithboone, Sept. 15th, 2019. Please click for a closer view and thanks for visiting!
Thank you, @pixresteemer!
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Thanks very much!
Great shots Keith. I like the third one the most.
Thanks, I believe you're probably right about number three... but I won't go back and change the post, that would be cheating! :-)
I agree with you. The first shot has the most impact. Cool that you got so many pictures.
Thank you! I got something like 20 shots but didn't want the post to go on forever! :-)
Fantastic shots and all can be used to enter the contest. I hardly can choose, I like the them all.
I'm glad you liked them, thanks for your reply! :-)
Amazing! My favourite is the third one! Nice clicks!
Thank you! I almost changed my post to feature number three as I was writing it, but in the end, I couldn't decide and just went with my first idea. Glad you liked the photos :-)
Inner BlocksYou have been curated by @hafizullah on behalf of : a community encouraging first hand content, with each individual living their best life, and being responsible for their own well being. #innerblocks Check it out at @innerblocks for the latest information and community updates, or to show your support via delegation.
Thanks so much for your support, it is greatly appreciated!
Nice looking doe!
Isn't she cute? Thanks for your comment :-)
We are so sorry!
Something (we are still investigating) happened last night with STEEMAUTO and we downvoted INSTEAD of upvoted.
I'm going through and removing all downvotes, replacing them with the corresponding upvotes.

Edit to Add: Confirmed. SteemAuto had a bug last night for several hours. It's been fixed. ❤️
Thank you, I was puzzled... I'm glad you explained! :-)
I didn't notice you'd seen this already.
Yes, I'm now manually trying to get to everyone. It was a bug with SteemAuto, that's been fixed.
Thank YOU for not freaking out and giving us a second to figure things out. ❤️
Amazing you have them in the city. Wonder why. People are feeding them or?/i see them frequently cross the road in front of my car and heard the young born cry. Could only once find one. They won't come closer and apparently feel save enough at the other side of my fence
Thanks for sharing 💕
Posted using Partiko Android
Hi there :-) I think there is plenty of food for them - they love flowers and whatever else people have growing in their gardens. Another point is they have no natural predators aside from cars! Now and then a cougar will come down from the hills but that is very rare... so the deer population just continues to grow!
@keithboone They eat flowers? That is interesting I never knew that. Thanks for sharing this info with me.
It must be nice to have them around it adds something extra. The dogs do not chase after them? No farmer complaining?
Happy Friday ❤️
I don't know about farmers, I live in the city. I'm sure dogs would chase them but most dogs seem to be on a leash, and yes, they LOVE flowers. People build tall fences to keep them out but you would be amazed how high they can jump! I walked around the block this morning and saw two deer. They were in someone's yard and I walked slowly up to the fence and the mom stuck her head over the fence towards me almost like she wanted to be petted. If I had moved quickly they would have run away.
@keithboone What a great experience that must have been. So you can really see them everywhere and at daytime.
I only see them cross the road at certain times a "day". Now I think they will form groups again. I never saw any in a garden. They are not as big here. I think the hunters are shooting at them too. I do not know if that is allowed at all.
Happy Saturday and thanks for sharing this story. Have a !BEER, cheers! ❤️
Command accepted!
Thank you again! I saw a nice buck later in the day. We were driving down a residential street and saw him calmly eating grass right beside the road. No picture this time. The males are more elusive and are not usually seen with the females or the young ones.
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for you. Enjoy it! Hey @keithboone, here is a little bit ofThat's a cool close encounter...
Any of those shots work for me; for the contest, maybe not the last (works to prove how close she got to humanity tho) as natural environment is best
Thanks very much! I should have entered the third shot I guess. The more I look, the more that railing in the first two shots bothers me. It would have been fairly easy to photoshop that thing out, but I didn't think of it at the time :-)
(psssttt, to tell you the truth, I didn't even see the rail til you mentioned it!) 😉