Today I got the chance to spend some aunty time with my niece Aria. She is my sister jessie @jwinblood and my brother-in-law @ray.luv.music 6month old daughter. She is always so full of life, full of smiles and her baby giggle is just priceless.

During my aunty time, with a flash, this paper plate came in and highjacked my aunty time. A paper plate, of all thing to highjack my spotlight. Ha, the moment was too cute to pass up though. So I did a paper plate highjacking photo shoot.

On a normal day I love taking photo of all kinds of things. I taken hundreds of photo all of the same thing just to find that perfect moment. Aria is awesome as role model, she glows pureed, innocence, hope. Her baby giggle carries happiness while her smile strikes all in sight.

Being highjacked by a paper plate today was the best thing to have happened. A simple paper plate stole the eyes and mind or Aria and she ran with it, she tested its durability, she left it crumpled up covered in drool. Ha, so much for that highjacking, at least one of us mad it out alive but not without first being drooled on... I paniced for a split moment, ok I paniced until the wet, slobbery, drool as removed from my skin.
She does have a special way about her :) and don't feel bad, she's this wipes are cooler than mom lol
Beautiful pictures as always - thanks for those
Haha of course. I enjoyed my highjacjed time lol.
I really like that black and white:)
Haha wipes cooler than mom!! No way:)
The kid's absolutely flawless. Makes me wanna get some of my own (someday). Beautiful shots
They really are flawless. Ha, my nieces and nephews are enough for me:) I love them all to pieces but I don't wish to have my own.
Happy steeming
She is very cute. I have a handsome nephew. He is just 16months old. I hope they get to meet each other one day.
It may seem like such a large world when seen through the eyes of children but as we become older we realize that this world isnt always as big as it seems. So I find it very possible that one day they could cross paths.
Happy Steeming