
so nice

How did you get in that close? Normally wouldn't there be staff or some sort of blockade/chain to keep people out of those danger areas? It is a gorgeous picture, glad you didn't get hurt while taking it. :D

There is a fence yes, kind off. I see people back there all the time. little kids and everything. Never heard of anyone getting hurt but that's not to say it hasn't happened in the past. The lens allows me to get a closer shot than appears so I wasn't too close so no worries. there was some guys fishing on the shore. I got a good pic but still need to edit it. I'll share some more soon. Thanks for viewing and commenting

You are welcome. :D Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I look forward to your future pictures. :D

Thanks. I actually hope people communicate more in the future. I'm really friendly and enjoy talking about things

Me too. :D Have a good night. :D