Starting a Steemit post at 3:00a.m. isn’t “best practices”. Here I am, though. @vermillionfox is off galavanting in LA with @lonniedi. Something’s up with @guthrie’s stomach. As we all sat in @caffetto, @tarotbyfergus and I in the midst of a nail bitter Magic: The Gathering game, he barfed all over himself, the floor, everywhere. I got him home, cleaned up and to bed. The rest of my night has been the arduous work of a freelancer. Steemit is 70% of my living currently, but I still have Patreon, book responsibilities with “Dark Pinup” on the horizon and truckloads of client needs to tend to.
Of the set I’ve been dying to get to for far to long was my summer shoot with my friend Ryan Ashley, winner of last year’s Inkmaster and this seasons host of Inkmaster Angels. I’ve been shooting with Ryan longer than any model in my portfolio and the stakes have been getting increasingly high. As she’s become a legitimate celebrity, our pictures are now hitting audiences of millions. We always try to push ourselves creatively, outdoing the shoots that’ve come before.
This shoot was unique in it’s own as I’ve been evolving to photos even darker than those which I’ve shot over the last five years. We shot in a rectory converted to a multi-floor living space. Endless halls of weird paintings, silk flowers, taxidermy and ornaments. Ryan had done her hair and make-up in a beautifully haunting goth pinup look that resembled Bride of Frankenstein. Photos that’ll be a natural fit for the pages of “Dark Pinup”. Hopefully I’ll have a chance to get to more of these tomorrow.
Thanks for reading, voting and sharing. I post daily. For more photography, art, illustration and the stories behind the work, follow me here @kommienezuspadt.
What a great shot and gorgeous-looking model, Lars! I was wondering, is it easier to edit photos on the tablet compared to a computer?
I wouldn’t say just yet @irreverent-dan. I still prefer Photoshop on my MacBook Pro. That’s almost entirely Adobe’s fault, though. They’re seriously crippling what could be done on the iPad Pro with their shitty iOS apps. Companies like Affinity Photo are picking up the slack quick, though. Thanks very much for the kind words, BTW!
Oh, I see. Editing photos directly on the screen with a pen sounds seriously cool though (given you have all the functionality). I am a PC and CaptureOne user, and I am still considering whether my next laptop should have a touchscreen. Thanks for your answer!
Wow.... such a nice photo...
Very much appreciated @wilku!
nice photography.
Thanks, much @ritue.
Amazing photography
Thank you @sajeeb240896!
Gorgeous picture indeed! She seems to wake up from a long long dream and wonder if she is dead or alive... Bride of Frankenstein indeed! ^^
Interesting interpretation @herverisson. I can definitely see that since we were shooting in a rectory. Thanks for the comment.
hey lars good photography skills man, a dark room but can clearly see the details, so how long did it take you to get fairly good at setting the iso, shutter speed, exposure? and do you know if the surface pro is good at edditing with a pen, heard it has a good/ sensitive screen?
@o1123581321 It's not there yet, but it's close, as far as the editing goes. There's an app called Affinity Photo for the iPad Pro that is moving in and filling the gaps Adobe has created with their shitty iOS apps. I do shoot all my photos with manual settings, so shutter speed, aperture and ISO change from picture to picture depending on the situation.
Model yang sangat keren.
Mengedit foto lewat hp apakah lebih muda dari komputer?
Very cool model.
Editing photos via phone is younger than computer?
Thanks @zaynfauzie! That's being done on an iPad Pro. It works pretty good.
man i love the mood of these shoots! haha I was up steeming at 2am here yesterday too.. steemit addicition lol
Definitely @polebird. It's crazy, but I was just telling @tarotbyfergus that I'm slowly assimilating to a full time blogger, even more than a photographer, lol
well @kommienzuspadt you certainly have the knack and story telling skills for it! :) I really have been really enjoying reading your posts and watching video tutorial as well!
I know tech talk gets old, bit what kind of tablet are you using in that photo? My GF is looking for a nice artists tablet.
I'm using a 12.9" iPad Pro @solar. Affinity Photo works great for photo editing. It handles full RAW images and outputs at 300dpi. It's not a Photoshop replacement yet, but it's very close.
Love! Everything from this set is amazing.
Thanks @wcpublishing!
Great shot, I love the big soft light coming from above, it "feels" like the light is coming from a skylight?
I see you are editing in Affinity Photo for the iPad Pro, have you transitioned to editing in Affinity at this point? I have tried it a few times but a number of times it crashed on me and I lost my work so I have not put a lot of stock into editing on the iPad. If you can find the time, you should do a post, maybe even a video, detailing your experiences with Affinity Photo for the iPad.
Just two big windows behind @ryanashley and a fixed light on the ceiling @kellyjanderson. That's why her face is so warm. It was a difficult shot to take and edit because I didn't want her to be a total silhouette. RAW editing helps in bringing back some detail, as you know. Yeah. Affinity can handle RAW and export at 300dpi so it's getting the job done. I think I am going to do a tutorial editing in Affinity. I just found a way to record and even live broadcast from the iPad Pro.
She is running out of skin. I bet she agonizes about where the next tattoo should go.
HAHA! Yeah, @artwatch. She usually covers up when that time comes. I can't wait till this upcoming trip/shoot with her. I'm getting my arm finished afterwards.
I love the darkness of this shot. Very professional. Very intimate.
I just discovered your profile and I am going to follow as much as I can.
amazing shot !!!!