Summer glam w/ German pinup, June Vega!

Hey, Steemit! Coming to you from Romancing The Bean in Burbank, CA. It’s one of my usual LA haunts for work, and although often filled with pretentious screen writers that name drop every possible chance, the food is good and they have outlets. That’s actually hard to come by because most coffee shops here don’t want you sticking around longer than it takes you to eat. @vermillionfox already expressed jealously when I told her I was coming here. She’s done an entire Steemit post on her love for the food. I also have sentimental memories of Romancing The Bean because it’s where @guthrie and I streamed the first Falcon Heavy launch.

For the rest of the day, I’ll be hanging out here, trying to edit as many photos as I can. I was hoping to meet up with @mtbmondo to layout some plans for a big project to be completed before the end of the year. He ended up having an earlier call time than expected, so I’m here, hoping for a productive afternoon. Following up on my post from yesterday, I still have photos to share from the “Ladies First” event in Vegas this past April. It feels great to have wrapped up all the clients from that afternoon. It’s been nice to revisit the photos and appreciate working with such a talented team.

June Vega is a beautiful German pinup that absolutely nails that Old Hollywood starlet look. She has a serious of beautiful outfits designed by Sparrow to Dragonfly. Her hair was sculpted and styled by Liz Garza, one of the most talented hair stylists I’ve ever worked with. Killer Kellz did make-up and our location was a beautiful midcentury modern home in Paradise, NV. I love that June wanted to accentuate the glam factor, and she insisted on getting in the pool with the giant pink flamingo blow up! It was so much fun. 

I’m still pretty happy with my ability to spam Steemit it daily travel and photography blogs. I’ve noticed a subtle decoupling of STEEM against the omnipotent Bitcoin price. Almost everything is going down, but our little STEEM token is climbing it’s way back to $0.20. It’s encouraging because I know how much work the new Steemit management has put in to righting the ship. Thanks for following me, through good times and bad. For more photography, art, illustration and the stories behind the work, follow me here @kommienezuspadt!


She's definitely got that Blonde Bombshell vibes * ___ * Great shots, Lars~

And yeah! Steem is actually on a lil rise XD Amazing :D :D :D

Perfectly done. With nice skin glow...

Manually curated by PhotoStreem: The Photography Tribe
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June Vega turned out totally stunning and we're so delighted having you spam us every now and then really with such quality. She is a beauty and awesome shots

Hello Lars, how are you doing? I just woke up and got your post. I'm glad you have posted every day recently . I think it's great to post every day. Your model this time is very beautiful. blond hair that is identical to Marilyn Monroe. Taking photos outside the room with very bright light makes the pictures look very beautiful. The clothes that she worn look very pretty. Have a nice day, sir.

Nice picture @kommienezuspadt

Posted using Partiko Android

Stunning shots as always. You are a master of your craft.

That last shot! So good.

And yay for 20 cents STEEM, who would have thought that would be good news in 2019 :')

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Ok so 1st: everyone needs an inflatable flamingo - even if you don’t have a pool, bathtub will do.
2nd! If you’re still in LA I have so many foodie recommendations I wouldn’t even know where to start. If you have the time would love to grab a coffee 👍🏼

Posted using Partiko iOS

Sup Dork?!? Enjoy the Upvote!!!