Genuine Color photos of early 20th-century | Rare photographs Prokudin-Gorsky
Prokudin-Gorsky from the right side
Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorsky was a Russian chemist ( scholar Mendeleev ), the inventor and photographer. He is best known for his pioneering work in color photography of early 20th-century Russia In 1906, he developed a method of transmission and the color image based on the separation of colors into three components. He shot 3 times objects through 3 filters - red, green and blue !!! It turned black and white 3 positive plate.
Did you know that Photoshop is color blind?
When I say "color blind", I do not mean small problems with the perception of shades of green and purple. I mean, he did not distinguish between colors. All Photoshop sees is a black and white color. Black, white, and many intermediate shades of gray. The most powerful editing software in the world, the industry standard among photographers, designers, and virtually all creative professionals, capable of producing millions and even billions of colors has no idea what color. Prokudin Gorsky in 1906 invented the RGB channels for Photoshop!
On the recommendation of the Grand Duke Michael, he outlines his plan to Nicholas II and received the warmest support. Over the next few years, the government allocated Prokudin-Gorsky specially equipped railroad car to travel for the purpose of photographic documentation of the life of the empire.
During this work it has been filmed several thousand plates. The technology display a color image on the screen. In 1948, a representative of the Rockefeller Foundation acquired Marshall from Prokudin-Gorsky about 1,600 photographic plates for the amount of $ 5 000. Since many years the plates were kept in the US Library of Congress.
Only recently someone had the idea to try to scan and combine 3-laminar photographs Prokudin - Gorsky on the computer. And it happened almost a miracle - seemed lost forever the images come to life.
Prokudin-Gorsky's best-known work during his lifetime was his color portrait of Leo Tolstoy, which was reproduced in various publications, on postcards.
That was completely interesting. Colours from a time long gone. Lovely :)
yes ... incredibly
It looks as good as if made yesterday
thanks to a great life story
Great post!!! Respect bro!
UpvotedKeep up the great work @konti