In my previous blog I wrote about how I registered a beautiful Giant Sequoia tree for both the planet and to show the power of the Steemit network. This page is already at the very top of the search engines!
I’ve Now Registered Another Unbelievable Specimen!
This spectacular Plane Tree has an exciting history and lies in a gorgeous park!
The Tree Is Planted On The Shoreline Of One Of The Worlds Great Gardens!
Parco Ciani Lugano
On the shores of Lugano in the Italian speaking region of Switzerland you’ll find the enchanting “Parco Ciani” with it’s spectacular gardens and exemplary trees from all over the world.
The park is on the site of the former estate of the Ciani brothers who were wealthy Milanese businessmen. A plan from Guidi’s census map of Lugano dated 1849 shows a formal garden on the estate centered on an ellipse.
It seems likely that this spectacular tree was planted as part of the garden development around the estate in the early 1850’s. Therefore the age of the tree can be estimated to be about 160 years.
A Little Bit About This Tree
Tree Circumference: 6.75 meters or just over 22 feet!
Tree Height: Unfortunately it is very difficult to get an exact figure as the tree vanishes into the foliage of the other trees around it! All members of Platanus or Plane tree are tall, reaching 30–50 m (98–164 ft) in height.
Age: As mentioned above the age can be estimated at about 160 years. Well before this “Old Dog’s” grandfather was born!
The height of this giant tree is difficult to gauge as it gets lost in the luxuriant foliage!
The Tree Was Registered With a Subtle Steemit Plug!
Again my model is there with the Steemit logo in order to give the tree scale!
In a future post I still have one more tree from my "neck of the woods" that I'd like to register and share with you.
If you love trees and know of any special specimen why not register it at
Remember that if you do you can show your appreciation for these marvels of nature. Appreciation leads to preservation! Don’t forget, if you do register a tree why not post an article about it here on Steemit. You'll be sure to have my support!
Until next time,
@kus-knee (The Old Dog)
That is one colossal tree, lol! But it has a history and story unto itself from way before any one of us even existed. Loving your posts about trees, one of nature's most beautiful but underappreciated gifts to our planet.
Thanks a lot @rea, your visits to my blog mean a lot to me! There are so many tree lovers here on Steemit and it shows me that it is part of human nature to love them! As a young man I regularly ventured off into the wilderness of Canada. It made me feel so human!
I love the bark pattern on that tree. It reminds me of a giraffe!
Giving thanks for the trees--appreciating all this oxygen!!
Grateful you're shared this lovely love for nature @kus-knee~
Wow thanks so much for expressing your appreciative thoughts for these life preserving creations!
That's a great tree, alright! I love their bark. And I like your photo looking up the trunk into the branches like that!
We have the American Sycamore here in the US, a cousin of your tree. They get huge, too. At the time of European settlement in the eastern US, people could live in hollowed-out base of the big trees. The University of Arizona has an American Sycamore that was planted from a seed that went into space in 1971 on the Apollo 14 mission. I'll have to remember to take a photo the next time I'm down there! It would be neat to get some seeds from that tree and grow them! : )
Cool! I'd love to see some photos and it would nice to register some of yours as well.
I see from that site that one person from my town has registered a giant sequoia. I'll let you know, with a post and a tag, when I get my trees registered. Thanks for pointing out the monumental trees site!
Wow, imagine all the stories trees could tell us! That one has lived through major historical events.
Btw, I really enjoyed that site.
I have always wanted to go see those trees
💋 @halo 💋😇
It is real special to see them. Thanks for coming by!
Since I moved to Switzerland I have fallen in love with trees. If it was possible for trees to communicate with us I'm sure we will be fascinated by their wealth of knowledge and history! Thanks for your post on Swiss trees I'm looking forward for your next post!
That tree is a legend in it's own time
Awesomely Amazing!
It is absolutely beautiful! I admired for the first time as wide eyed teenager in 1979 during my solo trip to Europe.
I can make a trip to the knysna Big tree for steem awareness and put up posters and stuff if I get support. I am prepared to document and photograph along the way :-)
Cool idea! This one was easy because it's righ near by. My next one will be a bit of a hike up into the mountains!
I just checked your link. I'm not sure why they show photos without a person or at least something else in front of the tree in order to give it scale. Funny to say but it's an all too common mistake.
@kus-knee good job
I LOOOOOVE the tree hug pic - worth a vote and a FOLLOW for that alone!
Thanks a lot! There are many types of love but a hug is a good way to express it!
Magical bark rubs! MBRs rule!x
Another worthy example to be treasured! I love how these trees are in populated areas and that people respect them! I did get around to visiting my contribution to the monumental trees website, and am still working on the post. It was a bit off the beaten track, so we made a day of it! I don't think I could ever get sick of looking at trees!
That's great! Please do inform me once you've registered it!
I will do! It was such a beautiful walk, I have broken the post up into 3 parts because there were so many photos I wanted to share. Part 1 has been posted and I am working on Part 2 now. Thanks for the inspiration. It was a fantastic reason to go back there for the 6th time! And the monumental trees website is wonderful. I am only reluctant to post it because the tree is in such a quiet location. Even though it has survived humanity thus far!