What's buzzin Hive!
We all like to be positive right, what could the wrong positive be then? Covid+ that is. Yep I'm not back for cool mountain photos anytime soon!. Technically, I'm still supposed to be at work for another month yet. Just as I was getting started after a long year, @silvergingerman got exposed at work and bam just like that, both sick at the same time. What does that mean? I feel like I got hit by a dump truck and I'm stuck in my house for 2 weeks. At least we get to be sick together. Talk about kink in the work plans yet again. We were so careful too, just going to work and the supermarket. To be fair, we don't really have time for anything else anyway.
Luckily, we are surrounded by great people that will help us out by getting us what we need that we don't have to rely on the same person all the time to bring us contactless supplies, that is heart warming. We are both pretty sick but not "hospital sick", hopefully we are feeling the worst of it now and it will get better from here. Some of the symptoms like mad chills that hurts the skin have passed and the coughs hurt less. The muscle pain and standing up is still quite the same, just a slight improvement but it's hard. We mostly sleep but now I can stay awake for the day if I try after I slept for a day and a half. It's only day 3 tho...I have to isolate until the 14th.
As much as it hurts, I still try to move around, go sit outside for a bit even if I end up taking a nap on the cement pad in the backyard on a sunny warmish day. I hear it helps keep fluids out of the lungs to move around every one in a while. So far it seems to help. I took a bunch of honey and raw garlic and it also helped me feel better, at least give some energy because we don't really want to eat. The usual, vitamin C , lots of fluids and other flu fighting tricks help . This by no means replace health care if in a more deteriorated state but little things that feel better. Honey and garlic have great immune boosting powers along with anti bacterial... etc.
Works out well I saw my local honey farmer at work and stocked up, we have like 4 jars now, 1 light and 3 dark. Does color matter? To the fresh honey aficionado, there is a slight difference. The light yellow is a little bit sweeter and the dark has a much stronger honey flavor, both delish but that dark gold is some good stuff. He predicts a bad year for honey because they can't import queens to run their hive and getting them locally is much harder since honey bees are not native of Canada and suspect it will impact yields and in return prices. If you are a fan of the sweet nectar, I suggest you get your supply earlier rather than later to avoid shortages or price hikes. Is there going to be a honey heist like the infamous maple syrup heist?
Of course, I grew up in the East so maple syrup is in my blood. My grampa used to take us to the family sugar shack every spring, it's an Easter tradition and on a normal year, it's tapping time, tree tapping means collecting and starting to boil the sap into syrup and all the other fun sugary treats that come with it. Once again, the darker syrup is the better and robust, most at the store is pretty light to be honest. Why maple syrup? I just read a study somewhere that it might even be more powerful of an immune booster and other beneficial effects than honey. On the agenda for covid meals, breakfast french crepes drizzled with my other favorite sticky treat, we might order contactless delivery from our favorite brisket place, fry up some vegetables and turn it into a Philly brisket crepe sorta thing for dinner. I might take pics, not like I have much else to do for a while, something to look forward too!

One would think, but what about all that sugar! That's fair obviously too much of anything isn't good but both maple syrup and honey are natural unprocessed sugars and metabolize much differently being healthier packed with antioxidants. Since I switched to natural sugar and fruits, I don't seem to crave refined sugar much and my skin looks younger and better, so it's a win win all around. Anyone that says they prefer Aunt Jemima...Boooo! I will fight you over that statement, maple all the way and it's pretty versatile.
Other useless observation of the day. @silvergingerman got me an orchid about to bloom for V-day and they say flowers are very competitive and I have 3 more orchids or so that looked a little tired. Suddenly all of them are in bloom almost at the same time, pretty since they are all different color, at least I get to enjoy the blooms rather than be at work all the time and miss most of it. Orchids pretty much grow themselves if you struggle to keep a plant alive, water it about once a week or so and the blooms stay long. One of my orchids is over 10 years old (the white one). I took out my new shiny toy and took a few spring pictures including time in the backyard.
The Prince Min-Min (isn't he the cutest) is really happy we are home, tell him he's a good buddy and go sit in the yard with him now that it's getting warmer, the sun helps kill the chills. He still doesn't like his picture taken but I try just the same, he gives a few away from time to time. Overall I'm impressed with the sharpness of my new tool for my future here on hive, a technology a decade newer than my other camera, woa! I'm going to have fun with this one in the wild when I can leave the house and be done work, if I get to return at all. I didn't even use my macro lens for the flower shots, just the standard 55 mm. Hopefully the birds will return soon and I can have backyard entertainment besides the chonk-chonk while I isolate for 10 more days. He used to be feral, he's so spoiled now...took a few years to work out some kinks but he tries hard.
So far today, I was on the phone all day with AHS, contact tracers, work from various levels including a back to work program, so maybe that means I might get to go back? We are essential workers but we are contractors and the jobs do come at an end after a few weeks. I was due to end at the end of may so maybe I can get 2 weeks of work after this? Cross my fingers but I don't know any of that yet, it's still early since I just found out for sure today that I gots the ronaz. My company handled it much better than @silvergingerman's work, they ended the conversation with him with have a nice life. That was weird considering that's where there is a significant outbreak at that plant and we are both sick from it now. I can see why! Gee. Proof that some places will have your job replaced before your obituary is written out...Cold world we live in, his job was coming at an end so it's not so bad besides being sick. It's been a weird day, a lot to wrap my brain around right now. One of my mentor from when I was an apprentice just died of covid, he was older but still sad. RIP Brother.
Hey @ladybug146! Sorry you got sick after just resuming work. Reading on, I'm glad to know you are getting better. It's quite sad the way this virus keeps spreading and the lives lost from it.
I wish we would all be supportive of each other but for some, it's a no just because they did not get sick. If we are supportive, silvergingerman should still keep his job.
Glad you have people around you to help with necessities that you need. Hopefully things will get better as you both recover. And I did not know maple syrup is a stronger immune booster than honey. Nice! 🙂
Hey, I hope it works out for you and you're better in no time!
Sorry to hear that. Get well soon guys, both.
Get better soon! Both of you.
Ouch... I hope you are both feeling better soon! Being sick is never enjoyable, but those symptoms sound awful.
On another note, how are you liking the Z6? It looks like it's doing the job well. That kitty looks very sharp... And lazy, but that's a cat!
Are you feeling better? Just checking in.