Purple Springs Saffron (Crocus biflorus) PROLEĆNI ŠAFRAN- gentle and healing flower of our forests / nežan i lekovit cvet naših šuma

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

As we walked through the meadows and forests on Zlatar Mountain, while the snow cover still did not disappear, and the grass had not turned green, this tender purple flower attracted our attention. It's a Spring Saffron, one of the first flowers that appears in nature after winter.

Kada sam bila za Zlataru, u vreme kada se snežni pokrivač još nije otopio i trava još uvek nije porasla, pažnju mi je privukao ovaj nežni ljubičasti cvet. U pitanju je Prolećni šafran, jedan od prvih cvetova koji se pojavljuje u prirodi nakon zime.


The saffron grows in deciduous and coniferous forests, in orchards, but mostly in meadows and clearings where there is enough sunshine, from the hilly to the mountainous regions. It grows very early in the year.

Šafran raste u listopadnim i četinarski šumama, u voćnacima, ali uglavnom na livadama i čistinama gde ima dovoljno sunčeve svetlosti, od brdovitih do planinskih područje. U prirodi se pojavljuje u rano proleće.


