One photo a day challenge (236/365) all year long

in #photography6 years ago

Here’s my picture for today. As you can see I took some bulbs picture. It did look ok in color form but I preferred it in black and white. I guess everything does look better in black and white.


I took another picture while on break today but it didn’t cut it. I have to say I have run out of ideas lately but at the same time I know inspiration is everywhere everyday. I hope I find some for tomorrow.
Thank you and goodnight.


have to say I have run out of ideas lately but at the same time I know inspiration is everywhere everyday.

After reading that line, I had to go back to see the challenge number... WOW! 236
You've gone too far to run out of idea. You don't just post picture..You accompany each picture with a detialed write up. Your idea source will not yun dry! Can I read your AMEN??

Amen 🙏.

I know you will have a good idea, in fact you always surprise me with your photos .. I, on the other hand, ultimanten only publish photos that I take of an orchid in the house of a friend that has more than 1500 species of orchids, I think it takes some 300 photos or more.

Thank you so much. I run out of ideas all the time.

So it is dear friend in black and white looks very well, and tomorrow will be another day full of good ideas and imagination.

I agree with you, the black and white photos always give a special touch to the photographs.

What we see now everything will be black and white if we don't have '' cone cell '' inside our Retina of eyes. Cones responsible for color vision.

I remember coming access the cones in the eye in biology class a long time ago. 👍

I like the images in black and white, quiet I know that at some point you can go the ideas but never the imagination, luck for tomorrow;)

You are absolutely right, black n white gives a natural touch to the image and pleasant feeling to our mind.

If you are in search of inspiration than your whole surrounding become inspiring to you

cool shot of lights in black and white 😍

interesting design the form too cool shot that too in monochrome colors :D