This picture was taken from a few days ago while I was driving to work. I noticed a nice bike by the side of the road. I sometimes see guys riding with their girlfriends in the back . Sometimes they ride in a group and some drive like they are suicidal.
This kind of reminds me of bikes that I used to catch when I was back in my country, though the ones I used were less fancy but they were functional and cheaper than catching a cab.
I think it’s more economical owning these as opposed to a car .
Hahaha, It scares me whenever I see those riders. The speed and noise that comes with it, is something that makes me shiver.
While bikes might be cheaper than cars, I still maintain that cars are safer.
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You are surely right.
That bike is very nice I love the back seat looks very comfortable, and I think it has two wheels back so it is safer to drive.
That makes sense. It does look safer than the "dirt bikes".
The bike looks really cool one nice shot along the way :)
It's very nice!...
Like seriously this opinion would be much appreciated if it had been here in Lagos where traffic is a normal thing, But over there, i think those bike are for fun. I like the designs though.
pretty cool bike !!!
It would be a good idea to have one of those, in some moments I think just like you, it would be better to have a motorcycle than a car.