By the time, I walked to nature I was caught up with these some living things that started to grow. The wild mushroom was the one of those living things that displayed its wildeness lived strong on the rotten wood and not far from this place, I found the rotten roots were covering the old trees. It was such a good moment to see their beauty.
These photos were taken by Fujifilm X-A3
Cheer up Your Life

Really, the wild mushroom is looking so beautiful. As like some little flowers. It's your nice shot. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful view of beautiful land Indonesia.
✅Friendly is nature and the big theme of the @levycore posting, and it's so brilliant. When we tell about nature, it is the story of our life journey and our future. No one is offended, unlike when we talk about politics. Thanks for your good sharing, brother🌿
I really agree Bang @jkfarza
wow! so nice and great photography. Really i love these photos. Thanks for sharing friends @levycore
nice picture bg @levycore, curator indonesia the best
your post is very great friend. my upvote.
please upvote my comment i want to raise my score to 30
Nice post
a very interesting post to read
Incredible, the fungus also looks beautiful when exposed to your camera shots.
These Wild Mushrooms are purely reflecting as decorative pieces. And in my opinion if we see these type of creations then for sure it's great to capture because these are natural beauty and art pieces.
Nature is live art and whoever will explore the nature then they will going to get the pure breathtaking essence. And nature holds so many creations that sometimes it really amaze us and in my opinion that is magical aspect.
And you've captured some beautiful and random pictures and these pictures are reflecting those aspects which many ignores and in my opinion those aspects are more beautiful and wonderful to watch.
And keep up this amazing work because capturing nature and exploring nature is great aspect because nature is greatest teacher and it teaches us life aspects and if we pursue it then we can understand our life situations effectively.
Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂
Seiring berjalannya waktu, lensa Bang @levycore makin tajam yesss... 😎
betul sekali, sangat kerenkeren hasil dari lensanya
Foto-foto yang berbicara.
Salam KSI
Irman Syah | @mpugondrong
Bagus sekali gambarnya Bang @levycore.. :)
Nice pict, thank my curator bro @levycore semoga sukses selalu dalam segala hal
The beautiful pattern. There is eternity in your photography.
Thanks bang.
Saya menemukan objek menarik malam ini di dalam sebuah postingan sederhana ini, terkadang orang-orang terlalu mengabaikan objek seperti ini. Padahal terlihat begitu unik dan menarik jika kita mampu mengambilnya dari sudut yang diluar dugaan orang lain.
The best brother @levycore
Sang objek memang sederhana, tapi setelah melalui proses, hingga terbentuk dalam bingkai foto kameranya bang @levycore, sang objekpun terlihat berkelas, dan punya nilai seni tinggi. Luar biasa hasil bidikannya bang @levycore👍👍👍
Apart from mushroom, I liked the photography. Clicked perfectly.
They are real healthy, hope you ate some though.
salutesesuatu yang tak terpikirkan itu yang ada dalam ide postingan @levycore.
Lagak han jih sebuah foto sangat tergantung pada kejelian pengambilan objek, ada objek yang sangat indah tapi tidak ahli dalam pemotretan maka objek itu akan biasa2 saja, sebaliknya ketika objek yang biasa saja tapi cara pemotretan yang profesional maka objek itu akan jadi luar biasa seperti yang terlihat dalam postingan ini
Ada banyak hal yang didapat dari hasil foto Abang kurator @levycore di atas. Bagaimana alam mengajarkan kebersamaan yang akan menampilkan keindahan. Kayu yang ditempeli jamur, memiliki aspek nilai tersendiri.
Alam mengajarkan kita banyak hal.
Salam sukses untuk rekan-rekan semuanya!
Really, those wild mushroom are sooo beautiful! Wild and strong survivors!
Nice shoots, Levy. :)
ini post yang unik dan mengesankan keindahannya.
oo ya, tlg respon post yg saya hadirkan tadi, layak kah
di publikasi di steemit ini? klo tidak, takkan saya buat post yg bgitu lagi salam untuk sang curator @levycore...
Menjaga detil hasil camera membutuhkan kecintaan yang kuat terhadap proses penjepretan.
Butuh waktu puluhan tahun agar bisa terbentuk guratan dan berjamur seperti itu.
woww luarbiasa fotonya bg, sangat memanjakan mata saya, luarbiasa baguss @levycore
Sangat indah.... Itu dimana ya kalau boleh tau
. Dan sangat berterimaksih jika. Kakak mau berkunjung ke blog saya... Terimakasih 😊💖💖💖💖