Agreed. But Colombians are tired of being known only for Pablo Escobar and cocaine. There is more to their incredible and diverse country than cocaine.
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Agreed. But Colombians are tired of being known only for Pablo Escobar and cocaine. There is more to their incredible and diverse country than cocaine.
Oh i didnt know u were Columbian too! yes i have been to bogota airport for a few hours when flying from ecuador back to LAX...i have been to peru and ecuador and lived in vilcabamba ecuador for 3 months in 2011 and 3 months in 2014 and I hard how expensive columbia is compared to ecuador and how much money is still in columbia and how nice it can be but just expensive even the buses are exppensive cmpared to cheap buses in ecuador.
anywway ddont worry people will know about columbia moe than the narco culture
BUT is a smal country an you shoould just be happy to have any sort of representation in westernglobal media!
sorry to be so harsh no dispresect and i know how beatiful columbia is and the amazing culture and music and movies and the women wow yes even your genetics are a gold mine! haha but seriously u should just milk the nrco pablo escobar stuff!!!! Its betterthan nothing! hha and peopel will eend up coming to columbia to have a tour of pabo escobars mansions etc, and I have heard that colmbua was even safe as far backk as 2011 I was shownpictures of columbia by man tarvelers and mett many columbians lots of hippie rasta dreadlocked kidds selling very fine emeralds and even cheap rough emerals, i should have bought as many emeralds as i could from them an then brought tjem back to the US to ell, mani could still go back down there and get stiff like organic Cofee that i could buy DIRECTLy from the darmer who made it and ground thee beans and baked them all huimself, and it was super cheap even with the gringo prices (higher prices for americans lol) and i ccould sell thatstuff back in america for so much it was the best tasting cfee in the world and everyone i gave it too agreed like my dad who is a cofe connoisseur and said it was thee best coffee he had ver had and man U can now buy coffee directly from south american farmers at coinsource bbitcoin ATMs in certain places
yeah i want coolumbia to show venezuela how bitcoin iss the future
people will love to finally have one currency for all of south america
and ecuador uses the US dollar so that will help with fiat to bitcoin exchanges but yeah the sooner columbia ecuador and peru all get into bitcoin the sooner venezuela will just give into it