Behind the scenes look at one of my photography adventure workshops in Colombia. Filmed in the wild nature of Antioquia, Colombia. 450 year old pueblo, Cauca River, metal band, models and more!
My students not only learn about photography, they have the unique opportunity to shoot people in an environment completely out of their element. One of my favorite places to shoot is Colombia, the country is beautiful and there's a diverse culture making it a photographers paradise.
As always let's look at some of the photographs taken during this trip and which you can see in the video. I'll give some photography notes and back story to each image:
BTS of the shoot going down in Jardin, Colombia. A pueblo deep in the coffee region and about 3.5 hours from Medellin. So the people are fairly isolated making for an interesting culture. It feels like stepping back in time. It's lovely that the people hold so dear to their culture and history.
While hiking outside the small town of Jardin we encountered war hero, Oscar Ramirez. I asked if we could photograph him and he got super excited. Busted out his war uniform, and then his son did the same.
I used a 28" softbox loaded with a speed light. Traveling light is essential for me.
One of my favorite images and magical moment. I'm deep in the interior of Colombia and encounter this character. He patiently waited as I fiddled with camera settings. It was an incredible experience.
On the other side of the valley from Jardin is a pueblo called Jereico. If you notice the metal group in the video; I was jamming with them. Profania! They were so cool and when I asked if I could photograph the band they were super stoked.
I did some dramatic lighting here. I want get into details because it's complicated setup. Take the workshop...LOL.
Same light setup for the singer.
We saw a couple of the cute girls and shot them as well. They were really friendly and it was cool to see kids punched out in the middle of no where.
Jerico girl.
This guy the locals called "The Mayor" He was crazy and thought he was the mayor of the city. He agreed to some photos....all in good fun.
While walking through the streets of a 450 year old pueblo, this happened. Crazy I know. I ran up and grabbed a shot with my Fuji X100.
At the end of the workshop I lined up a professional model for us to shoot.
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If you didn't see this video you should: https://steemit.com/photography/@lightenup/1a7fh47u
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Amazing stills, love your lighting. Especially the girl on the stairs.
Just a heads up: I think something might have gone wrong when you converted the video, it's quite studdery in several places like from 0:11-0:17. It's a pity because the video gives a really cool insight in your style.
It's actually just camera shake in a couple of spots...but you are exactly right, it's all about the content and context in which this was shot. 450 year old pueblo, models, metal band and coffee region. If I had a huge production team it would be something different, but this was all off the cuff filming. Thanks :)