I can relate. As a kid, my cousin was always thinner than me and I heard about that many times. MANY TIMES! They never meant it in a bad way but to me it felt bad.. I'm not sure they even knew that. Once my grandpa said about my new dress that it's too tight and I should give it to my cousin. xD I can laugh about it now but when I was 15 it wasn't that funny.. My family actually liked it that I was roundier (I was never fat or anything) and in their opinion I looked only healthy. The comparison was still very unnesessary..
Now, I am actually a lot smaller than my cousin. I started to take care of myself, eating healthier (my folks don't eat very healthy), exercsing and it started to show. I feel right about myself and my lifestyle. That's one of the most important things.
Btw, you look beautiful. You should know that.
Thank you @lindiry! ^^
Comparison can be so destructive. Especially when it comes to people.
Agreed. Health is the most important. We are not invincible. Unfortunately not all address both components when it comes to health - body and mind. Both require a lot of work.
True, both require work. Actually, when I started to live healthier and lost some weight I was happy with myself but deep in my mind, I was still a roundish kid. The identity changes very very slowly.