This public bookshelf in the city of Überlingen is pretty well known by all the locals and was definitely worth a shot.
It‘s located at the entrance to the spa gardens directly at the promenade next to the Lake Constance.
This public bookshelf in the city of Überlingen is pretty well known by all the locals and was definitely worth a shot.
It‘s located at the entrance to the spa gardens directly at the promenade next to the Lake Constance.
Ja mei... etz hab i schaua müssa woa des Überlinga überhaupts is... mocht er a Bücherregal! Und des is schö bunt! Etz könnt ich ihm G‘schichten verzoilen, warum a bunt’s Bücherregal im Leb‘n a guata Sach is... aber i gloab, des woiß er selba! Servus!^^
Sorry, but I only speak German and English, no Bavarian^^
I love the editing you did with this shot! Also a cool concept. Is it like a book exchange sort of situation?
Thanks, Sarah :) Yes, it's indeed some kind of exchange. You're free to take books and bring some at any time. But I guess the local library also replaces and adds some books from time to time. I haven't used it by myself yet. But it's always interesting to look at.
I always love the idea of book exchanges. Mainly because what better to do with a book once you’be read it than pass it on for someone else to enjoy! And definitely cool to look at!
You are right. I thought about donating some of my old books which I probably won‘t read anymore to the local library :)
Wow. That’s such a cool thing. Books are life. As objects they bring me so much joy.